Welcome to Demo for InstructLab CLI

A tool to help you contribute to InstructLab Taxonomy.

It allows you to locally

  • Check the behavior of the latest Merlinite-7B model

  • Iterate seed examples for synthetic data generation

  • Validate the synthetic data via local LoRA training

This demo walks through the functionality step by step.

For more info, see the CLI repo.

Step 0: Initial setup

Create workspace and virtual environment

python3 -m venv workspace/venv
cd workspace
source venv/bin/activate.fish

Install CLI

pip install instructlab

Initialize workspace

ilab config init

Step 1: Check current model behavior

Download current model

ilab model download

Start chat

ilab model chat


how to initialize a workspace using the CLI of InstructLab?

…but the answer is wrong

Step 2: Write seed examples for SDG

Check current status of taxonomy

ilab taxonomy diff

Check YAML file to add

cat ../qna.yaml

Add file to taxonomy and check updated status of taxonomy

mkdir -p taxonomy/knowledge/instructlab/cli
cp ../qna.yaml taxonomy/knowledge/instructlab/cli/qna.yaml
ilab taxonomy diff

Step 3: Generate synthetic data

Generate 25 synthetic samples

ilab data generate --num-instructions 25
  • Here we use 25 for demo purpose only.

  • Usually we recommend more samples (e.g. 100).

It takes a while, feel free to fast-forward if you are watching the recording.

Check output

ls generated

Step 4: Update model via LoRA training

Perform Q-LoRA for 100 iterations

ilab model train --iters 100
  • Here we use 100 for this particular demo.

  • The actual iterations needed depends on the complexity of the data.

It takes a while, feel free to fast-forward if you are watching the recording.

Check output

ls instructlab-merlinite-7b-lab-mlx-q

Step 5: Check before/after behavior

Run old/new model on test data

ilab model test

Step 6: Interact with updated model

Convert updated model to GGUF

ilab model convert --model-dir instructlab-merlinite-7b-lab-mlx-q

Serve updated model and chat

ilab model serve --model-path instructlab-merlinite-7b-lab-mlx-q-fused-pt/*-Q4_K_M.gguf &
ilab model chat

Trying again…

how to initialize a workspace using the CLI of InstructLab?

…and the answer is now correct!

Step -1: Make contribution to taxonomy

Commit change and push to fork

cd taxonomy
git status
git remote add xukai92 https://github.com/instructlab/taxonomy.git
git add knowledge/instructlab/cli
git commit -sm "feat(knowledge): InstructLab CLI usage"
git checkout -b demo
git push --set-upstream xukai92 demo

Now, you can go creating a pull request on the taxonomy repository!

–> instructlab/taxonomy

For more info, see the CLI repo.