LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - Modules - gcmodule.c (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CPython 3.12 LCOV report [commit acb105a7c1f] Lines: 650 728 89.3 %
Date: 2022-07-20 13:12:14 Functions: 83 86 96.5 %
Branches: 256 332 77.1 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /*
       2                 :            : 
       3                 :            :   Reference Cycle Garbage Collection
       4                 :            :   ==================================
       5                 :            : 
       6                 :            :   Neil Schemenauer <>
       7                 :            : 
       8                 :            :   Based on a post on the python-dev list.  Ideas from Guido van Rossum,
       9                 :            :   Eric Tiedemann, and various others.
      10                 :            : 
      11                 :            :
      12                 :            : 
      13                 :            :   The following mailing list threads provide a historical perspective on
      14                 :            :   the design of this module.  Note that a fair amount of refinement has
      15                 :            :   occurred since those discussions.
      16                 :            : 
      17                 :            :
      18                 :            :
      19                 :            :
      20                 :            : 
      21                 :            :   For a highlevel view of the collection process, read the collect
      22                 :            :   function.
      23                 :            : 
      24                 :            : */
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : #include "Python.h"
      27                 :            : #include "pycore_context.h"
      28                 :            : #include "pycore_initconfig.h"
      29                 :            : #include "pycore_interp.h"      // PyInterpreterState.gc
      30                 :            : #include "pycore_object.h"
      31                 :            : #include "pycore_pyerrors.h"
      32                 :            : #include "pycore_pystate.h"     // _PyThreadState_GET()
      33                 :            : #include "pydtrace.h"
      34                 :            : 
      35                 :            : typedef struct _gc_runtime_state GCState;
      36                 :            : 
      37                 :            : /*[clinic input]
      38                 :            : module gc
      39                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
      40                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=b5c9690ecc842d79]*/
      41                 :            : 
      42                 :            : 
      43                 :            : #ifdef Py_DEBUG
      44                 :            : #  define GC_DEBUG
      45                 :            : #endif
      46                 :            : 
      47                 :            : #define GC_NEXT _PyGCHead_NEXT
      48                 :            : #define GC_PREV _PyGCHead_PREV
      49                 :            : 
      50                 :            : // update_refs() set this bit for all objects in current generation.
      51                 :            : // subtract_refs() and move_unreachable() uses this to distinguish
      52                 :            : // visited object is in GCing or not.
      53                 :            : //
      54                 :            : // move_unreachable() removes this flag from reachable objects.
      55                 :            : // Only unreachable objects have this flag.
      56                 :            : //
      57                 :            : // No objects in interpreter have this flag after GC ends.
      58                 :            : #define PREV_MASK_COLLECTING   _PyGC_PREV_MASK_COLLECTING
      59                 :            : 
      60                 :            : // Lowest bit of _gc_next is used for UNREACHABLE flag.
      61                 :            : //
      62                 :            : // This flag represents the object is in unreachable list in move_unreachable()
      63                 :            : //
      64                 :            : // Although this flag is used only in move_unreachable(), move_unreachable()
      65                 :            : // doesn't clear this flag to skip unnecessary iteration.
      66                 :            : // move_legacy_finalizers() removes this flag instead.
      67                 :            : // Between them, unreachable list is not normal list and we can not use
      68                 :            : // most gc_list_* functions for it.
      69                 :            : #define NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE  (1)
      70                 :            : 
      71                 :            : /* Get an object's GC head */
      72                 :            : #define AS_GC(o) ((PyGC_Head *)(((char *)(o))-sizeof(PyGC_Head)))
      73                 :            : 
      74                 :            : /* Get the object given the GC head */
      75                 :            : #define FROM_GC(g) ((PyObject *)(((char *)(g))+sizeof(PyGC_Head)))
      76                 :            : 
      77                 :            : static inline int
      78                 : 2267236147 : gc_is_collecting(PyGC_Head *g)
      79                 :            : {
      80                 : 2267236147 :     return (g->_gc_prev & PREV_MASK_COLLECTING) != 0;
      81                 :            : }
      82                 :            : 
      83                 :            : static inline void
      84                 :  553960397 : gc_clear_collecting(PyGC_Head *g)
      85                 :            : {
      86                 :  553960397 :     g->_gc_prev &= ~PREV_MASK_COLLECTING;
      87                 :  553960397 : }
      88                 :            : 
      89                 :            : static inline Py_ssize_t
      90                 : 1732735534 : gc_get_refs(PyGC_Head *g)
      91                 :            : {
      92                 : 1732735534 :     return (Py_ssize_t)(g->_gc_prev >> _PyGC_PREV_SHIFT);
      93                 :            : }
      94                 :            : 
      95                 :            : static inline void
      96                 :  471458019 : gc_set_refs(PyGC_Head *g, Py_ssize_t refs)
      97                 :            : {
      98                 :  471458019 :     g->_gc_prev = (g->_gc_prev & ~_PyGC_PREV_MASK)
      99                 :  471458019 :         | ((uintptr_t)(refs) << _PyGC_PREV_SHIFT);
     100                 :  471458019 : }
     101                 :            : 
     102                 :            : static inline void
     103                 :  574725710 : gc_reset_refs(PyGC_Head *g, Py_ssize_t refs)
     104                 :            : {
     105                 :  574725710 :     g->_gc_prev = (g->_gc_prev & _PyGC_PREV_MASK_FINALIZED)
     106                 :            :         | PREV_MASK_COLLECTING
     107                 :  574725710 :         | ((uintptr_t)(refs) << _PyGC_PREV_SHIFT);
     108                 :  574725710 : }
     109                 :            : 
     110                 :            : static inline void
     111                 : 1001585021 : gc_decref(PyGC_Head *g)
     112                 :            : {
     113                 :            :     _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(FROM_GC(g),
     114                 :            :                               gc_get_refs(g) > 0,
     115                 :            :                               "refcount is too small");
     116                 : 1001585021 :     g->_gc_prev -= 1 << _PyGC_PREV_SHIFT;
     117                 : 1001585021 : }
     118                 :            : 
     119                 :            : /* set for debugging information */
     120                 :            : #define DEBUG_STATS             (1<<0) /* print collection statistics */
     121                 :            : #define DEBUG_COLLECTABLE       (1<<1) /* print collectable objects */
     122                 :            : #define DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE     (1<<2) /* print uncollectable objects */
     123                 :            : #define DEBUG_SAVEALL           (1<<5) /* save all garbage in gc.garbage */
     124                 :            : #define DEBUG_LEAK              DEBUG_COLLECTABLE | \
     125                 :            :                 DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE | \
     126                 :            :                 DEBUG_SAVEALL
     127                 :            : 
     128                 :            : #define GEN_HEAD(gcstate, n) (&(gcstate)->generations[n].head)
     129                 :            : 
     130                 :            : 
     131                 :            : static GCState *
     132                 :  315623899 : get_gc_state(void)
     133                 :            : {
     134                 :  315623899 :     PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET();
     135                 :  315623899 :     return &interp->gc;
     136                 :            : }
     137                 :            : 
     138                 :            : 
     139                 :            : void
     140                 :       3138 : _PyGC_InitState(GCState *gcstate)
     141                 :            : {
     142                 :            : #define INIT_HEAD(GEN) \
     143                 :            :     do { \
     144                 :            :         GEN.head._gc_next = (uintptr_t)&GEN.head; \
     145                 :            :         GEN.head._gc_prev = (uintptr_t)&GEN.head; \
     146                 :            :     } while (0)
     147                 :            : 
     148         [ +  + ]:      12552 :     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
     149                 :            :         assert(gcstate->generations[i].count == 0);
     150                 :       9414 :         INIT_HEAD(gcstate->generations[i]);
     151                 :            :     };
     152                 :       3138 :     gcstate->generation0 = GEN_HEAD(gcstate, 0);
     153                 :       3138 :     INIT_HEAD(gcstate->permanent_generation);
     154                 :            : 
     155                 :            : #undef INIT_HEAD
     156                 :       3138 : }
     157                 :            : 
     158                 :            : 
     159                 :            : PyStatus
     160                 :       3138 : _PyGC_Init(PyInterpreterState *interp)
     161                 :            : {
     162                 :       3138 :     GCState *gcstate = &interp->gc;
     163                 :            : 
     164                 :       3138 :     gcstate->garbage = PyList_New(0);
     165         [ -  + ]:       3138 :     if (gcstate->garbage == NULL) {
     166                 :          0 :         return _PyStatus_NO_MEMORY();
     167                 :            :     }
     168                 :            : 
     169                 :       3138 :     gcstate->callbacks = PyList_New(0);
     170         [ -  + ]:       3138 :     if (gcstate->callbacks == NULL) {
     171                 :          0 :         return _PyStatus_NO_MEMORY();
     172                 :            :     }
     173                 :            : 
     174                 :       3138 :     return _PyStatus_OK();
     175                 :            : }
     176                 :            : 
     177                 :            : 
     178                 :            : /*
     179                 :            : _gc_prev values
     180                 :            : ---------------
     181                 :            : 
     182                 :            : Between collections, _gc_prev is used for doubly linked list.
     183                 :            : 
     184                 :            : Lowest two bits of _gc_prev are used for flags.
     185                 :            : PREV_MASK_COLLECTING is used only while collecting and cleared before GC ends
     186                 :            : or _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK() is called.
     187                 :            : 
     188                 :            : During a collection, _gc_prev is temporary used for gc_refs, and the gc list
     189                 :            : is singly linked until _gc_prev is restored.
     190                 :            : 
     191                 :            : gc_refs
     192                 :            :     At the start of a collection, update_refs() copies the true refcount
     193                 :            :     to gc_refs, for each object in the generation being collected.
     194                 :            :     subtract_refs() then adjusts gc_refs so that it equals the number of
     195                 :            :     times an object is referenced directly from outside the generation
     196                 :            :     being collected.
     197                 :            : 
     198                 :            : PREV_MASK_COLLECTING
     199                 :            :     Objects in generation being collected are marked PREV_MASK_COLLECTING in
     200                 :            :     update_refs().
     201                 :            : 
     202                 :            : 
     203                 :            : _gc_next values
     204                 :            : ---------------
     205                 :            : 
     206                 :            : _gc_next takes these values:
     207                 :            : 
     208                 :            : 
     209                 :            :     The object is not tracked
     210                 :            : 
     211                 :            : != 0
     212                 :            :     Pointer to the next object in the GC list.
     213                 :            :     Additionally, lowest bit is used temporary for
     214                 :            :     NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flag described below.
     215                 :            : 
     216                 :            : NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE
     217                 :            :     move_unreachable() then moves objects not reachable (whether directly or
     218                 :            :     indirectly) from outside the generation into an "unreachable" set and
     219                 :            :     set this flag.
     220                 :            : 
     221                 :            :     Objects that are found to be reachable have gc_refs set to 1.
     222                 :            :     When this flag is set for the reachable object, the object must be in
     223                 :            :     "unreachable" set.
     224                 :            :     The flag is unset and the object is moved back to "reachable" set.
     225                 :            : 
     226                 :            :     move_legacy_finalizers() will remove this flag from "unreachable" set.
     227                 :            : */
     228                 :            : 
     229                 :            : /*** list functions ***/
     230                 :            : 
     231                 :            : static inline void
     232                 :    2161566 : gc_list_init(PyGC_Head *list)
     233                 :            : {
     234                 :            :     // List header must not have flags.
     235                 :            :     // We can assign pointer by simple cast.
     236                 :    2161566 :     list->_gc_prev = (uintptr_t)list;
     237                 :    2161566 :     list->_gc_next = (uintptr_t)list;
     238                 :    2161566 : }
     239                 :            : 
     240                 :            : static inline int
     241                 :   27889112 : gc_list_is_empty(PyGC_Head *list)
     242                 :            : {
     243                 :   27889112 :     return (list->_gc_next == (uintptr_t)list);
     244                 :            : }
     245                 :            : 
     246                 :            : /* Append `node` to `list`. */
     247                 :            : static inline void
     248                 :   80124463 : gc_list_append(PyGC_Head *node, PyGC_Head *list)
     249                 :            : {
     250                 :   80124463 :     PyGC_Head *last = (PyGC_Head *)list->_gc_prev;
     251                 :            : 
     252                 :            :     // last <-> node
     253                 :   80124463 :     _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(node, last);
     254                 :   80124463 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(last, node);
     255                 :            : 
     256                 :            :     // node <-> list
     257                 :   80124463 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(node, list);
     258                 :   80124463 :     list->_gc_prev = (uintptr_t)node;
     259                 :   80124463 : }
     260                 :            : 
     261                 :            : /* Remove `node` from the gc list it's currently in. */
     262                 :            : static inline void
     263                 :     882552 : gc_list_remove(PyGC_Head *node)
     264                 :            : {
     265                 :     882552 :     PyGC_Head *prev = GC_PREV(node);
     266                 :     882552 :     PyGC_Head *next = GC_NEXT(node);
     267                 :            : 
     268                 :     882552 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(prev, next);
     269                 :     882552 :     _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(next, prev);
     270                 :            : 
     271                 :     882552 :     node->_gc_next = 0; /* object is not currently tracked */
     272                 :     882552 : }
     273                 :            : 
     274                 :            : /* Move `node` from the gc list it's currently in (which is not explicitly
     275                 :            :  * named here) to the end of `list`.  This is semantically the same as
     276                 :            :  * gc_list_remove(node) followed by gc_list_append(node, list).
     277                 :            :  */
     278                 :            : static void
     279                 :   24569931 : gc_list_move(PyGC_Head *node, PyGC_Head *list)
     280                 :            : {
     281                 :            :     /* Unlink from current list. */
     282                 :   24569931 :     PyGC_Head *from_prev = GC_PREV(node);
     283                 :   24569931 :     PyGC_Head *from_next = GC_NEXT(node);
     284                 :   24569931 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(from_prev, from_next);
     285                 :   24569931 :     _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(from_next, from_prev);
     286                 :            : 
     287                 :            :     /* Relink at end of new list. */
     288                 :            :     // list must not have flags.  So we can skip macros.
     289                 :   24569931 :     PyGC_Head *to_prev = (PyGC_Head*)list->_gc_prev;
     290                 :   24569931 :     _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(node, to_prev);
     291                 :   24569931 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(to_prev, node);
     292                 :   24569931 :     list->_gc_prev = (uintptr_t)node;
     293                 :   24569931 :     _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(node, list);
     294                 :   24569931 : }
     295                 :            : 
     296                 :            : /* append list `from` onto list `to`; `from` becomes an empty list */
     297                 :            : static void
     298                 :     986031 : gc_list_merge(PyGC_Head *from, PyGC_Head *to)
     299                 :            : {
     300                 :            :     assert(from != to);
     301         [ +  + ]:     986031 :     if (!gc_list_is_empty(from)) {
     302                 :     275424 :         PyGC_Head *to_tail = GC_PREV(to);
     303                 :     275424 :         PyGC_Head *from_head = GC_NEXT(from);
     304                 :     275424 :         PyGC_Head *from_tail = GC_PREV(from);
     305                 :            :         assert(from_head != from);
     306                 :            :         assert(from_tail != from);
     307                 :            : 
     308                 :     275424 :         _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(to_tail, from_head);
     309                 :     275424 :         _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(from_head, to_tail);
     310                 :            : 
     311                 :     275424 :         _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT(from_tail, to);
     312                 :     275424 :         _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(to, from_tail);
     313                 :            :     }
     314                 :     986031 :     gc_list_init(from);
     315                 :     986031 : }
     316                 :            : 
     317                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
     318                 :     280708 : gc_list_size(PyGC_Head *list)
     319                 :            : {
     320                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
     321                 :     280708 :     Py_ssize_t n = 0;
     322         [ +  + ]:  462175023 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(list); gc != list; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     323                 :  461894315 :         n++;
     324                 :            :     }
     325                 :     280708 :     return n;
     326                 :            : }
     327                 :            : 
     328                 :            : /* Walk the list and mark all objects as non-collecting */
     329                 :            : static inline void
     330                 :     235107 : gc_list_clear_collecting(PyGC_Head *collectable)
     331                 :            : {
     332                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
     333         [ +  + ]:   22875483 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(collectable); gc != collectable; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     334                 :   22640376 :         gc_clear_collecting(gc);
     335                 :            :     }
     336                 :     235107 : }
     337                 :            : 
     338                 :            : /* Append objects in a GC list to a Python list.
     339                 :            :  * Return 0 if all OK, < 0 if error (out of memory for list)
     340                 :            :  */
     341                 :            : static int
     342                 :         31 : append_objects(PyObject *py_list, PyGC_Head *gc_list)
     343                 :            : {
     344                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
     345         [ +  + ]:     189465 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(gc_list); gc != gc_list; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     346                 :     189434 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     347         [ +  + ]:     189434 :         if (op != py_list) {
     348         [ -  + ]:     189424 :             if (PyList_Append(py_list, op)) {
     349                 :          0 :                 return -1; /* exception */
     350                 :            :             }
     351                 :            :         }
     352                 :            :     }
     353                 :         31 :     return 0;
     354                 :            : }
     355                 :            : 
     356                 :            : // Constants for validate_list's flags argument.
     357                 :            : enum flagstates {collecting_clear_unreachable_clear,
     358                 :            :                  collecting_clear_unreachable_set,
     359                 :            :                  collecting_set_unreachable_clear,
     360                 :            :                  collecting_set_unreachable_set};
     361                 :            : 
     362                 :            : #ifdef GC_DEBUG
     363                 :            : // validate_list checks list consistency.  And it works as document
     364                 :            : // describing when flags are expected to be set / unset.
     365                 :            : // `head` must be a doubly-linked gc list, although it's fine (expected!) if
     366                 :            : // the prev and next pointers are "polluted" with flags.
     367                 :            : // What's checked:
     368                 :            : // - The `head` pointers are not polluted.
     369                 :            : // - The objects' PREV_MASK_COLLECTING and NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flags are all
     370                 :            : //   `set or clear, as specified by the 'flags' argument.
     371                 :            : // - The prev and next pointers are mutually consistent.
     372                 :            : static void
     373                 :            : validate_list(PyGC_Head *head, enum flagstates flags)
     374                 :            : {
     375                 :            :     assert((head->_gc_prev & PREV_MASK_COLLECTING) == 0);
     376                 :            :     assert((head->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) == 0);
     377                 :            :     uintptr_t prev_value = 0, next_value = 0;
     378                 :            :     switch (flags) {
     379                 :            :         case collecting_clear_unreachable_clear:
     380                 :            :             break;
     381                 :            :         case collecting_set_unreachable_clear:
     382                 :            :             prev_value = PREV_MASK_COLLECTING;
     383                 :            :             break;
     384                 :            :         case collecting_clear_unreachable_set:
     385                 :            :             next_value = NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE;
     386                 :            :             break;
     387                 :            :         case collecting_set_unreachable_set:
     388                 :            :             prev_value = PREV_MASK_COLLECTING;
     389                 :            :             next_value = NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE;
     390                 :            :             break;
     391                 :            :         default:
     392                 :            :             assert(! "bad internal flags argument");
     393                 :            :     }
     394                 :            :     PyGC_Head *prev = head;
     395                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(head);
     396                 :            :     while (gc != head) {
     397                 :            :         PyGC_Head *trueprev = GC_PREV(gc);
     398                 :            :         PyGC_Head *truenext = (PyGC_Head *)(gc->_gc_next  & ~NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     399                 :            :         assert(truenext != NULL);
     400                 :            :         assert(trueprev == prev);
     401                 :            :         assert((gc->_gc_prev & PREV_MASK_COLLECTING) == prev_value);
     402                 :            :         assert((gc->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) == next_value);
     403                 :            :         prev = gc;
     404                 :            :         gc = truenext;
     405                 :            :     }
     406                 :            :     assert(prev == GC_PREV(head));
     407                 :            : }
     408                 :            : #else
     409                 :            : #define validate_list(x, y) do{}while(0)
     410                 :            : #endif
     411                 :            : 
     412                 :            : /*** end of list stuff ***/
     413                 :            : 
     414                 :            : 
     415                 :            : /* Set all gc_refs = ob_refcnt.  After this, gc_refs is > 0 and
     416                 :            :  * PREV_MASK_COLLECTING bit is set for all objects in containers.
     417                 :            :  */
     418                 :            : static void
     419                 :     470214 : update_refs(PyGC_Head *containers)
     420                 :            : {
     421                 :     470214 :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(containers);
     422         [ +  + ]:  575195924 :     for (; gc != containers; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     423                 :  574725710 :         gc_reset_refs(gc, Py_REFCNT(FROM_GC(gc)));
     424                 :            :         /* Python's cyclic gc should never see an incoming refcount
     425                 :            :          * of 0:  if something decref'ed to 0, it should have been
     426                 :            :          * deallocated immediately at that time.
     427                 :            :          * Possible cause (if the assert triggers):  a tp_dealloc
     428                 :            :          * routine left a gc-aware object tracked during its teardown
     429                 :            :          * phase, and did something-- or allowed something to happen --
     430                 :            :          * that called back into Python.  gc can trigger then, and may
     431                 :            :          * see the still-tracked dying object.  Before this assert
     432                 :            :          * was added, such mistakes went on to allow gc to try to
     433                 :            :          * delete the object again.  In a debug build, that caused
     434                 :            :          * a mysterious segfault, when _Py_ForgetReference tried
     435                 :            :          * to remove the object from the doubly-linked list of all
     436                 :            :          * objects a second time.  In a release build, an actual
     437                 :            :          * double deallocation occurred, which leads to corruption
     438                 :            :          * of the allocator's internal bookkeeping pointers.  That's
     439                 :            :          * so serious that maybe this should be a release-build
     440                 :            :          * check instead of an assert?
     441                 :            :          */
     442                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(FROM_GC(gc), gc_get_refs(gc) != 0);
     443                 :            :     }
     444                 :     470214 : }
     445                 :            : 
     446                 :            : /* A traversal callback for subtract_refs. */
     447                 :            : static int
     448                 : 2732149178 : visit_decref(PyObject *op, void *parent)
     449                 :            : {
     450                 :            :     _PyObject_ASSERT(_PyObject_CAST(parent), !_PyObject_IsFreed(op));
     451                 :            : 
     452         [ +  + ]: 2732149178 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(op)) {
     453                 : 1189266679 :         PyGC_Head *gc = AS_GC(op);
     454                 :            :         /* We're only interested in gc_refs for objects in the
     455                 :            :          * generation being collected, which can be recognized
     456                 :            :          * because only they have positive gc_refs.
     457                 :            :          */
     458         [ +  + ]: 1189266679 :         if (gc_is_collecting(gc)) {
     459                 : 1001585021 :             gc_decref(gc);
     460                 :            :         }
     461                 :            :     }
     462                 : 2732149178 :     return 0;
     463                 :            : }
     464                 :            : 
     465                 :            : /* Subtract internal references from gc_refs.  After this, gc_refs is >= 0
     466                 :            :  * for all objects in containers, and is GC_REACHABLE for all tracked gc
     467                 :            :  * objects not in containers.  The ones with gc_refs > 0 are directly
     468                 :            :  * reachable from outside containers, and so can't be collected.
     469                 :            :  */
     470                 :            : static void
     471                 :     470214 : subtract_refs(PyGC_Head *containers)
     472                 :            : {
     473                 :            :     traverseproc traverse;
     474                 :     470214 :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(containers);
     475         [ +  + ]:  575195924 :     for (; gc != containers; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     476                 :  574725710 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     477                 :  574725710 :         traverse = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_traverse;
     478                 :  574725710 :         (void) traverse(op,
     479                 :            :                         (visitproc)visit_decref,
     480                 :            :                         op);
     481                 :            :     }
     482                 :     470214 : }
     483                 :            : 
     484                 :            : /* A traversal callback for move_unreachable. */
     485                 :            : static int
     486                 : 2494097950 : visit_reachable(PyObject *op, PyGC_Head *reachable)
     487                 :            : {
     488         [ +  + ]: 2494097950 :     if (!_PyObject_IS_GC(op)) {
     489                 : 1416212589 :         return 0;
     490                 :            :     }
     491                 :            : 
     492                 : 1077885361 :     PyGC_Head *gc = AS_GC(op);
     493                 : 1077885361 :     const Py_ssize_t gc_refs = gc_get_refs(gc);
     494                 :            : 
     495                 :            :     // Ignore objects in other generation.
     496                 :            :     // This also skips objects "to the left" of the current position in
     497                 :            :     // move_unreachable's scan of the 'young' list - they've already been
     498                 :            :     // traversed, and no longer have the PREV_MASK_COLLECTING flag.
     499         [ +  + ]: 1077885361 :     if (! gc_is_collecting(gc)) {
     500                 :  567449896 :         return 0;
     501                 :            :     }
     502                 :            :     // It would be a logic error elsewhere if the collecting flag were set on
     503                 :            :     // an untracked object.
     504                 :            :     assert(gc->_gc_next != 0);
     505                 :            : 
     506         [ +  + ]:  510435465 :     if (gc->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) {
     507                 :            :         /* This had gc_refs = 0 when move_unreachable got
     508                 :            :          * to it, but turns out it's reachable after all.
     509                 :            :          * Move it back to move_unreachable's 'young' list,
     510                 :            :          * and move_unreachable will eventually get to it
     511                 :            :          * again.
     512                 :            :          */
     513                 :            :         // Manually unlink gc from unreachable list because the list functions
     514                 :            :         // don't work right in the presence of NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flags.
     515                 :   80124463 :         PyGC_Head *prev = GC_PREV(gc);
     516                 :   80124463 :         PyGC_Head *next = (PyGC_Head*)(gc->_gc_next & ~NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     517                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(FROM_GC(prev),
     518                 :            :                          prev->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     519                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(FROM_GC(next),
     520                 :            :                          next->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     521                 :   80124463 :         prev->_gc_next = gc->_gc_next;  // copy NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE
     522                 :   80124463 :         _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(next, prev);
     523                 :            : 
     524                 :   80124463 :         gc_list_append(gc, reachable);
     525                 :   80124463 :         gc_set_refs(gc, 1);
     526                 :            :     }
     527         [ +  + ]:  430311002 :     else if (gc_refs == 0) {
     528                 :            :         /* This is in move_unreachable's 'young' list, but
     529                 :            :          * the traversal hasn't yet gotten to it.  All
     530                 :            :          * we need to do is tell move_unreachable that it's
     531                 :            :          * reachable.
     532                 :            :          */
     533                 :  391333556 :         gc_set_refs(gc, 1);
     534                 :            :     }
     535                 :            :     /* Else there's nothing to do.
     536                 :            :      * If gc_refs > 0, it must be in move_unreachable's 'young'
     537                 :            :      * list, and move_unreachable will eventually get to it.
     538                 :            :      */
     539                 :            :     else {
     540                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(op, gc_refs > 0, "refcount is too small");
     541                 :            :     }
     542                 :  510435465 :     return 0;
     543                 :            : }
     544                 :            : 
     545                 :            : /* Move the unreachable objects from young to unreachable.  After this,
     546                 :            :  * all objects in young don't have PREV_MASK_COLLECTING flag and
     547                 :            :  * unreachable have the flag.
     548                 :            :  * All objects in young after this are directly or indirectly reachable
     549                 :            :  * from outside the original young; and all objects in unreachable are
     550                 :            :  * not.
     551                 :            :  *
     552                 :            :  * This function restores _gc_prev pointer.  young and unreachable are
     553                 :            :  * doubly linked list after this function.
     554                 :            :  * But _gc_next in unreachable list has NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flag.
     555                 :            :  * So we can not gc_list_* functions for unreachable until we remove the flag.
     556                 :            :  */
     557                 :            : static void
     558                 :     470214 : move_unreachable(PyGC_Head *young, PyGC_Head *unreachable)
     559                 :            : {
     560                 :            :     // previous elem in the young list, used for restore gc_prev.
     561                 :     470214 :     PyGC_Head *prev = young;
     562                 :     470214 :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(young);
     563                 :            : 
     564                 :            :     /* Invariants:  all objects "to the left" of us in young are reachable
     565                 :            :      * (directly or indirectly) from outside the young list as it was at entry.
     566                 :            :      *
     567                 :            :      * All other objects from the original young "to the left" of us are in
     568                 :            :      * unreachable now, and have NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE.  All objects to the
     569                 :            :      * left of us in 'young' now have been scanned, and no objects here
     570                 :            :      * or to the right have been scanned yet.
     571                 :            :      */
     572                 :            : 
     573         [ +  + ]:  655320387 :     while (gc != young) {
     574         [ +  + ]:  654850173 :         if (gc_get_refs(gc)) {
     575                 :            :             /* gc is definitely reachable from outside the
     576                 :            :              * original 'young'.  Mark it as such, and traverse
     577                 :            :              * its pointers to find any other objects that may
     578                 :            :              * be directly reachable from it.  Note that the
     579                 :            :              * call to tp_traverse may append objects to young,
     580                 :            :              * so we have to wait until it returns to determine
     581                 :            :              * the next object to visit.
     582                 :            :              */
     583                 :  529448052 :             PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     584                 :  529448052 :             traverseproc traverse = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_traverse;
     585                 :            :             _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(op, gc_get_refs(gc) > 0,
     586                 :            :                                       "refcount is too small");
     587                 :            :             // NOTE: visit_reachable may change gc->_gc_next when
     588                 :            :             // young->_gc_prev == gc.  Don't do gc = GC_NEXT(gc) before!
     589                 :  529448052 :             (void) traverse(op,
     590                 :            :                     (visitproc)visit_reachable,
     591                 :            :                     (void *)young);
     592                 :            :             // relink gc_prev to prev element.
     593                 :  529448052 :             _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(gc, prev);
     594                 :            :             // gc is not COLLECTING state after here.
     595                 :  529448052 :             gc_clear_collecting(gc);
     596                 :  529448052 :             prev = gc;
     597                 :            :         }
     598                 :            :         else {
     599                 :            :             /* This *may* be unreachable.  To make progress,
     600                 :            :              * assume it is.  gc isn't directly reachable from
     601                 :            :              * any object we've already traversed, but may be
     602                 :            :              * reachable from an object we haven't gotten to yet.
     603                 :            :              * visit_reachable will eventually move gc back into
     604                 :            :              * young if that's so, and we'll see it again.
     605                 :            :              */
     606                 :            :             // Move gc to unreachable.
     607                 :            :             // No need to gc->next->prev = prev because it is single linked.
     608                 :  125402121 :             prev->_gc_next = gc->_gc_next;
     609                 :            : 
     610                 :            :             // We can't use gc_list_append() here because we use
     611                 :            :             // NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE here.
     612                 :  125402121 :             PyGC_Head *last = GC_PREV(unreachable);
     613                 :            :             // NOTE: Since all objects in unreachable set has
     614                 :            :             // NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flag, we set it unconditionally.
     615                 :            :             // But this may pollute the unreachable list head's 'next' pointer
     616                 :            :             // too. That's semantically senseless but expedient here - the
     617                 :            :             // damage is repaired when this function ends.
     618                 :  125402121 :             last->_gc_next = (NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE | (uintptr_t)gc);
     619                 :  125402121 :             _PyGCHead_SET_PREV(gc, last);
     620                 :  125402121 :             gc->_gc_next = (NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE | (uintptr_t)unreachable);
     621                 :  125402121 :             unreachable->_gc_prev = (uintptr_t)gc;
     622                 :            :         }
     623                 :  654850173 :         gc = (PyGC_Head*)prev->_gc_next;
     624                 :            :     }
     625                 :            :     // young->_gc_prev must be last element remained in the list.
     626                 :     470214 :     young->_gc_prev = (uintptr_t)prev;
     627                 :            :     // don't let the pollution of the list head's next pointer leak
     628                 :     470214 :     unreachable->_gc_next &= ~NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE;
     629                 :     470214 : }
     630                 :            : 
     631                 :            : static void
     632                 :     235107 : untrack_tuples(PyGC_Head *head)
     633                 :            : {
     634                 :     235107 :     PyGC_Head *next, *gc = GC_NEXT(head);
     635         [ +  + ]:  529678689 :     while (gc != head) {
     636                 :  529443582 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     637                 :  529443582 :         next = GC_NEXT(gc);
     638         [ +  + ]:  529443582 :         if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op)) {
     639                 :   78012971 :             _PyTuple_MaybeUntrack(op);
     640                 :            :         }
     641                 :  529443582 :         gc = next;
     642                 :            :     }
     643                 :     235107 : }
     644                 :            : 
     645                 :            : /* Try to untrack all currently tracked dictionaries */
     646                 :            : static void
     647                 :      26699 : untrack_dicts(PyGC_Head *head)
     648                 :            : {
     649                 :      26699 :     PyGC_Head *next, *gc = GC_NEXT(head);
     650         [ +  + ]:  395199645 :     while (gc != head) {
     651                 :  395172946 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     652                 :  395172946 :         next = GC_NEXT(gc);
     653         [ +  + ]:  395172946 :         if (PyDict_CheckExact(op)) {
     654                 :   36305801 :             _PyDict_MaybeUntrack(op);
     655                 :            :         }
     656                 :  395172946 :         gc = next;
     657                 :            :     }
     658                 :      26699 : }
     659                 :            : 
     660                 :            : /* Return true if object has a pre-PEP 442 finalization method. */
     661                 :            : static int
     662                 :   22641785 : has_legacy_finalizer(PyObject *op)
     663                 :            : {
     664                 :   22641785 :     return Py_TYPE(op)->tp_del != NULL;
     665                 :            : }
     666                 :            : 
     667                 :            : /* Move the objects in unreachable with tp_del slots into `finalizers`.
     668                 :            :  *
     669                 :            :  * This function also removes NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE flag
     670                 :            :  * from _gc_next in unreachable.
     671                 :            :  */
     672                 :            : static void
     673                 :     235107 : move_legacy_finalizers(PyGC_Head *unreachable, PyGC_Head *finalizers)
     674                 :            : {
     675                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc, *next;
     676                 :            :     assert((unreachable->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) == 0);
     677                 :            : 
     678                 :            :     /* March over unreachable.  Move objects with finalizers into
     679                 :            :      * `finalizers`.
     680                 :            :      */
     681         [ +  + ]:   22876859 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(unreachable); gc != unreachable; gc = next) {
     682                 :   22641752 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     683                 :            : 
     684                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(op, gc->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     685                 :   22641752 :         gc->_gc_next &= ~NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE;
     686                 :   22641752 :         next = (PyGC_Head*)gc->_gc_next;
     687                 :            : 
     688         [ +  + ]:   22641752 :         if (has_legacy_finalizer(op)) {
     689                 :         19 :             gc_clear_collecting(gc);
     690                 :         19 :             gc_list_move(gc, finalizers);
     691                 :            :         }
     692                 :            :     }
     693                 :     235107 : }
     694                 :            : 
     695                 :            : static inline void
     696                 :     235107 : clear_unreachable_mask(PyGC_Head *unreachable)
     697                 :            : {
     698                 :            :     /* Check that the list head does not have the unreachable bit set */
     699                 :            :     assert(((uintptr_t)unreachable & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) == 0);
     700                 :            : 
     701                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc, *next;
     702                 :            :     assert((unreachable->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE) == 0);
     703         [ +  + ]:   22871013 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(unreachable); gc != unreachable; gc = next) {
     704                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT((PyObject*)FROM_GC(gc), gc->_gc_next & NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE);
     705                 :   22635906 :         gc->_gc_next &= ~NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE;
     706                 :   22635906 :         next = (PyGC_Head*)gc->_gc_next;
     707                 :            :     }
     708                 :            :     validate_list(unreachable, collecting_set_unreachable_clear);
     709                 :     235107 : }
     710                 :            : 
     711                 :            : /* A traversal callback for move_legacy_finalizer_reachable. */
     712                 :            : static int
     713                 :        111 : visit_move(PyObject *op, PyGC_Head *tolist)
     714                 :            : {
     715         [ +  + ]:        111 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(op)) {
     716                 :         72 :         PyGC_Head *gc = AS_GC(op);
     717         [ +  + ]:         72 :         if (gc_is_collecting(gc)) {
     718                 :         16 :             gc_list_move(gc, tolist);
     719                 :         16 :             gc_clear_collecting(gc);
     720                 :            :         }
     721                 :            :     }
     722                 :        111 :     return 0;
     723                 :            : }
     724                 :            : 
     725                 :            : /* Move objects that are reachable from finalizers, from the unreachable set
     726                 :            :  * into finalizers set.
     727                 :            :  */
     728                 :            : static void
     729                 :     235107 : move_legacy_finalizer_reachable(PyGC_Head *finalizers)
     730                 :            : {
     731                 :            :     traverseproc traverse;
     732                 :     235107 :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(finalizers);
     733         [ +  + ]:     235142 :     for (; gc != finalizers; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     734                 :            :         /* Note that the finalizers list may grow during this. */
     735                 :         35 :         traverse = Py_TYPE(FROM_GC(gc))->tp_traverse;
     736                 :         35 :         (void) traverse(FROM_GC(gc),
     737                 :            :                         (visitproc)visit_move,
     738                 :            :                         (void *)finalizers);
     739                 :            :     }
     740                 :     235107 : }
     741                 :            : 
     742                 :            : /* Clear all weakrefs to unreachable objects, and if such a weakref has a
     743                 :            :  * callback, invoke it if necessary.  Note that it's possible for such
     744                 :            :  * weakrefs to be outside the unreachable set -- indeed, those are precisely
     745                 :            :  * the weakrefs whose callbacks must be invoked.  See gc_weakref.txt for
     746                 :            :  * overview & some details.  Some weakrefs with callbacks may be reclaimed
     747                 :            :  * directly by this routine; the number reclaimed is the return value.  Other
     748                 :            :  * weakrefs with callbacks may be moved into the `old` generation.  Objects
     749                 :            :  * moved into `old` have gc_refs set to GC_REACHABLE; the objects remaining in
     750                 :            :  * unreachable are left at GC_TENTATIVELY_UNREACHABLE.  When this returns,
     751                 :            :  * no object in `unreachable` is weakly referenced anymore.
     752                 :            :  */
     753                 :            : static int
     754                 :     235107 : handle_weakrefs(PyGC_Head *unreachable, PyGC_Head *old)
     755                 :            : {
     756                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
     757                 :            :     PyObject *op;               /* generally FROM_GC(gc) */
     758                 :            :     PyWeakReference *wr;        /* generally a cast of op */
     759                 :            :     PyGC_Head wrcb_to_call;     /* weakrefs with callbacks to call */
     760                 :            :     PyGC_Head *next;
     761                 :     235107 :     int num_freed = 0;
     762                 :            : 
     763                 :     235107 :     gc_list_init(&wrcb_to_call);
     764                 :            : 
     765                 :            :     /* Clear all weakrefs to the objects in unreachable.  If such a weakref
     766                 :            :      * also has a callback, move it into `wrcb_to_call` if the callback
     767                 :            :      * needs to be invoked.  Note that we cannot invoke any callbacks until
     768                 :            :      * all weakrefs to unreachable objects are cleared, lest the callback
     769                 :            :      * resurrect an unreachable object via a still-active weakref.  We
     770                 :            :      * make another pass over wrcb_to_call, invoking callbacks, after this
     771                 :            :      * pass completes.
     772                 :            :      */
     773         [ +  + ]:   22876824 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(unreachable); gc != unreachable; gc = next) {
     774                 :            :         PyWeakReference **wrlist;
     775                 :            : 
     776                 :   22641717 :         op = FROM_GC(gc);
     777                 :   22641717 :         next = GC_NEXT(gc);
     778                 :            : 
     779   [ +  +  +  +  :   22641717 :         if (PyWeakref_Check(op)) {
                   -  + ]
     780                 :            :             /* A weakref inside the unreachable set must be cleared.  If we
     781                 :            :              * allow its callback to execute inside delete_garbage(), it
     782                 :            :              * could expose objects that have tp_clear already called on
     783                 :            :              * them.  Or, it could resurrect unreachable objects.  One way
     784                 :            :              * this can happen is if some container objects do not implement
     785                 :            :              * tp_traverse.  Then, wr_object can be outside the unreachable
     786                 :            :              * set but can be deallocated as a result of breaking the
     787                 :            :              * reference cycle.  If we don't clear the weakref, the callback
     788                 :            :              * will run and potentially cause a crash.  See bpo-38006 for
     789                 :            :              * one example.
     790                 :            :              */
     791                 :     312379 :             _PyWeakref_ClearRef((PyWeakReference *)op);
     792                 :            :         }
     793                 :            : 
     794         [ +  + ]:   22641717 :         if (! _PyType_SUPPORTS_WEAKREFS(Py_TYPE(op)))
     795                 :   10719612 :             continue;
     796                 :            : 
     797                 :            :         /* It supports weakrefs.  Does it have any? */
     798                 :            :         wrlist = (PyWeakReference **)
     799                 :   11922105 :                                 _PyObject_GET_WEAKREFS_LISTPTR(op);
     800                 :            : 
     801                 :            :         /* `op` may have some weakrefs.  March over the list, clear
     802                 :            :          * all the weakrefs, and move the weakrefs with callbacks
     803                 :            :          * that must be called into wrcb_to_call.
     804                 :            :          */
     805         [ +  + ]:   13514261 :         for (wr = *wrlist; wr != NULL; wr = *wrlist) {
     806                 :            :             PyGC_Head *wrasgc;                  /* AS_GC(wr) */
     807                 :            : 
     808                 :            :             /* _PyWeakref_ClearRef clears the weakref but leaves
     809                 :            :              * the callback pointer intact.  Obscure:  it also
     810                 :            :              * changes *wrlist.
     811                 :            :              */
     812                 :            :             _PyObject_ASSERT((PyObject *)wr, wr->wr_object == op);
     813                 :    1592156 :             _PyWeakref_ClearRef(wr);
     814                 :            :             _PyObject_ASSERT((PyObject *)wr, wr->wr_object == Py_None);
     815         [ +  + ]:    1592156 :             if (wr->wr_callback == NULL) {
     816                 :            :                 /* no callback */
     817                 :    1508121 :                 continue;
     818                 :            :             }
     819                 :            : 
     820                 :            :             /* Headache time.  `op` is going away, and is weakly referenced by
     821                 :            :              * `wr`, which has a callback.  Should the callback be invoked?  If wr
     822                 :            :              * is also trash, no:
     823                 :            :              *
     824                 :            :              * 1. There's no need to call it.  The object and the weakref are
     825                 :            :              *    both going away, so it's legitimate to pretend the weakref is
     826                 :            :              *    going away first.  The user has to ensure a weakref outlives its
     827                 :            :              *    referent if they want a guarantee that the wr callback will get
     828                 :            :              *    invoked.
     829                 :            :              *
     830                 :            :              * 2. It may be catastrophic to call it.  If the callback is also in
     831                 :            :              *    cyclic trash (CT), then although the CT is unreachable from
     832                 :            :              *    outside the current generation, CT may be reachable from the
     833                 :            :              *    callback.  Then the callback could resurrect insane objects.
     834                 :            :              *
     835                 :            :              * Since the callback is never needed and may be unsafe in this case,
     836                 :            :              * wr is simply left in the unreachable set.  Note that because we
     837                 :            :              * already called _PyWeakref_ClearRef(wr), its callback will never
     838                 :            :              * trigger.
     839                 :            :              *
     840                 :            :              * OTOH, if wr isn't part of CT, we should invoke the callback:  the
     841                 :            :              * weakref outlived the trash.  Note that since wr isn't CT in this
     842                 :            :              * case, its callback can't be CT either -- wr acted as an external
     843                 :            :              * root to this generation, and therefore its callback did too.  So
     844                 :            :              * nothing in CT is reachable from the callback either, so it's hard
     845                 :            :              * to imagine how calling it later could create a problem for us.  wr
     846                 :            :              * is moved to wrcb_to_call in this case.
     847                 :            :              */
     848         [ +  + ]:      84035 :             if (gc_is_collecting(AS_GC(wr))) {
     849                 :            :                 /* it should already have been cleared above */
     850                 :            :                 assert(wr->wr_object == Py_None);
     851                 :      28675 :                 continue;
     852                 :            :             }
     853                 :            : 
     854                 :            :             /* Create a new reference so that wr can't go away
     855                 :            :              * before we can process it again.
     856                 :            :              */
     857                 :      55360 :             Py_INCREF(wr);
     858                 :            : 
     859                 :            :             /* Move wr to wrcb_to_call, for the next pass. */
     860                 :      55360 :             wrasgc = AS_GC(wr);
     861                 :            :             assert(wrasgc != next); /* wrasgc is reachable, but
     862                 :            :                                        next isn't, so they can't
     863                 :            :                                        be the same */
     864                 :      55360 :             gc_list_move(wrasgc, &wrcb_to_call);
     865                 :            :         }
     866                 :            :     }
     867                 :            : 
     868                 :            :     /* Invoke the callbacks we decided to honor.  It's safe to invoke them
     869                 :            :      * because they can't reference unreachable objects.
     870                 :            :      */
     871         [ +  + ]:     290467 :     while (! gc_list_is_empty(&wrcb_to_call)) {
     872                 :            :         PyObject *temp;
     873                 :            :         PyObject *callback;
     874                 :            : 
     875                 :      55360 :         gc = (PyGC_Head*)wrcb_to_call._gc_next;
     876                 :      55360 :         op = FROM_GC(gc);
     877                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(op, PyWeakref_Check(op));
     878                 :      55360 :         wr = (PyWeakReference *)op;
     879                 :      55360 :         callback = wr->wr_callback;
     880                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT(op, callback != NULL);
     881                 :            : 
     882                 :            :         /* copy-paste of weakrefobject.c's handle_callback() */
     883                 :      55360 :         temp = PyObject_CallOneArg(callback, (PyObject *)wr);
     884         [ -  + ]:      55360 :         if (temp == NULL)
     885                 :          0 :             PyErr_WriteUnraisable(callback);
     886                 :            :         else
     887                 :      55360 :             Py_DECREF(temp);
     888                 :            : 
     889                 :            :         /* Give up the reference we created in the first pass.  When
     890                 :            :          * op's refcount hits 0 (which it may or may not do right now),
     891                 :            :          * op's tp_dealloc will decref op->wr_callback too.  Note
     892                 :            :          * that the refcount probably will hit 0 now, and because this
     893                 :            :          * weakref was reachable to begin with, gc didn't already
     894                 :            :          * add it to its count of freed objects.  Example:  a reachable
     895                 :            :          * weak value dict maps some key to this reachable weakref.
     896                 :            :          * The callback removes this key->weakref mapping from the
     897                 :            :          * dict, leaving no other references to the weakref (excepting
     898                 :            :          * ours).
     899                 :            :          */
     900                 :      55360 :         Py_DECREF(op);
     901         [ +  + ]:      55360 :         if (wrcb_to_call._gc_next == (uintptr_t)gc) {
     902                 :            :             /* object is still alive -- move it */
     903                 :       1955 :             gc_list_move(gc, old);
     904                 :            :         }
     905                 :            :         else {
     906                 :      53405 :             ++num_freed;
     907                 :            :         }
     908                 :            :     }
     909                 :            : 
     910                 :     235107 :     return num_freed;
     911                 :            : }
     912                 :            : 
     913                 :            : static void
     914                 :          2 : debug_cycle(const char *msg, PyObject *op)
     915                 :            : {
     916                 :          2 :     PySys_FormatStderr("gc: %s <%s %p>\n",
     917                 :          2 :                        msg, Py_TYPE(op)->tp_name, op);
     918                 :          2 : }
     919                 :            : 
     920                 :            : /* Handle uncollectable garbage (cycles with tp_del slots, and stuff reachable
     921                 :            :  * only from such cycles).
     922                 :            :  * If DEBUG_SAVEALL, all objects in finalizers are appended to the module
     923                 :            :  * garbage list (a Python list), else only the objects in finalizers with
     924                 :            :  * __del__ methods are appended to garbage.  All objects in finalizers are
     925                 :            :  * merged into the old list regardless.
     926                 :            :  */
     927                 :            : static void
     928                 :     235107 : handle_legacy_finalizers(PyThreadState *tstate,
     929                 :            :                          GCState *gcstate,
     930                 :            :                          PyGC_Head *finalizers, PyGC_Head *old)
     931                 :            : {
     932                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
     933                 :            :     assert(gcstate->garbage != NULL);
     934                 :            : 
     935                 :     235107 :     PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(finalizers);
     936         [ +  + ]:     235142 :     for (; gc != finalizers; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
     937                 :         35 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     938                 :            : 
     939   [ +  +  +  + ]:         35 :         if ((gcstate->debug & DEBUG_SAVEALL) || has_legacy_finalizer(op)) {
     940         [ -  + ]:         19 :             if (PyList_Append(gcstate->garbage, op) < 0) {
     941                 :          0 :                 _PyErr_Clear(tstate);
     942                 :          0 :                 break;
     943                 :            :             }
     944                 :            :         }
     945                 :            :     }
     946                 :            : 
     947                 :     235107 :     gc_list_merge(finalizers, old);
     948                 :     235107 : }
     949                 :            : 
     950                 :            : /* Run first-time finalizers (if any) on all the objects in collectable.
     951                 :            :  * Note that this may remove some (or even all) of the objects from the
     952                 :            :  * list, due to refcounts falling to 0.
     953                 :            :  */
     954                 :            : static void
     955                 :     235107 : finalize_garbage(PyThreadState *tstate, PyGC_Head *collectable)
     956                 :            : {
     957                 :            :     destructor finalize;
     958                 :            :     PyGC_Head seen;
     959                 :            : 
     960                 :            :     /* While we're going through the loop, `finalize(op)` may cause op, or
     961                 :            :      * other objects, to be reclaimed via refcounts falling to zero.  So
     962                 :            :      * there's little we can rely on about the structure of the input
     963                 :            :      * `collectable` list across iterations.  For safety, we always take the
     964                 :            :      * first object in that list and move it to a temporary `seen` list.
     965                 :            :      * If objects vanish from the `collectable` and `seen` lists we don't
     966                 :            :      * care.
     967                 :            :      */
     968                 :     235107 :     gc_list_init(&seen);
     969                 :            : 
     970         [ +  + ]:   23110861 :     while (!gc_list_is_empty(collectable)) {
     971                 :   22640647 :         PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(collectable);
     972                 :   22640647 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     973                 :   22640647 :         gc_list_move(gc, &seen);
     974         [ +  + ]:   22640647 :         if (!_PyGCHead_FINALIZED(gc) &&
     975         [ +  + ]:   22640583 :                 (finalize = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_finalize) != NULL) {
     976                 :      23910 :             _PyGCHead_SET_FINALIZED(gc);
     977                 :      23910 :             Py_INCREF(op);
     978                 :      23910 :             finalize(op);
     979                 :            :             assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
     980                 :      23910 :             Py_DECREF(op);
     981                 :            :         }
     982                 :            :     }
     983                 :     235107 :     gc_list_merge(&seen, collectable);
     984                 :     235107 : }
     985                 :            : 
     986                 :            : /* Break reference cycles by clearing the containers involved.  This is
     987                 :            :  * tricky business as the lists can be changing and we don't know which
     988                 :            :  * objects may be freed.  It is possible I screwed something up here.
     989                 :            :  */
     990                 :            : static void
     991                 :     235107 : delete_garbage(PyThreadState *tstate, GCState *gcstate,
     992                 :            :                PyGC_Head *collectable, PyGC_Head *old)
     993                 :            : {
     994                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
     995                 :            : 
     996         [ +  + ]:    3971967 :     while (!gc_list_is_empty(collectable)) {
     997                 :    3501753 :         PyGC_Head *gc = GC_NEXT(collectable);
     998                 :    3501753 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
     999                 :            : 
    1000                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT_WITH_MSG(op, Py_REFCNT(op) > 0,
    1001                 :            :                                   "refcount is too small");
    1002                 :            : 
    1003         [ +  + ]:    3501753 :         if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_SAVEALL) {
    1004                 :            :             assert(gcstate->garbage != NULL);
    1005         [ -  + ]:       1341 :             if (PyList_Append(gcstate->garbage, op) < 0) {
    1006                 :          0 :                 _PyErr_Clear(tstate);
    1007                 :            :             }
    1008                 :            :         }
    1009                 :            :         else {
    1010                 :            :             inquiry clear;
    1011         [ +  + ]:    3500412 :             if ((clear = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_clear) != NULL) {
    1012                 :    3191942 :                 Py_INCREF(op);
    1013                 :    3191942 :                 (void) clear(op);
    1014         [ -  + ]:    3191942 :                 if (_PyErr_Occurred(tstate)) {
    1015                 :          0 :                     _PyErr_WriteUnraisableMsg("in tp_clear of",
    1016                 :          0 :                                               (PyObject*)Py_TYPE(op));
    1017                 :            :                 }
    1018                 :    3191942 :                 Py_DECREF(op);
    1019                 :            :             }
    1020                 :            :         }
    1021         [ +  + ]:    3501753 :         if (GC_NEXT(collectable) == gc) {
    1022                 :            :             /* object is still alive, move it, it may die later */
    1023                 :    1871934 :             gc_clear_collecting(gc);
    1024                 :    1871934 :             gc_list_move(gc, old);
    1025                 :            :         }
    1026                 :            :     }
    1027                 :     235107 : }
    1028                 :            : 
    1029                 :            : /* Clear all free lists
    1030                 :            :  * All free lists are cleared during the collection of the highest generation.
    1031                 :            :  * Allocated items in the free list may keep a pymalloc arena occupied.
    1032                 :            :  * Clearing the free lists may give back memory to the OS earlier.
    1033                 :            :  */
    1034                 :            : static void
    1035                 :      26699 : clear_freelists(PyInterpreterState *interp)
    1036                 :            : {
    1037                 :      26699 :     _PyTuple_ClearFreeList(interp);
    1038                 :      26699 :     _PyFloat_ClearFreeList(interp);
    1039                 :      26699 :     _PyList_ClearFreeList(interp);
    1040                 :      26699 :     _PyDict_ClearFreeList(interp);
    1041                 :      26699 :     _PyAsyncGen_ClearFreeLists(interp);
    1042                 :      26699 :     _PyContext_ClearFreeList(interp);
    1043                 :      26699 : }
    1044                 :            : 
    1045                 :            : // Show stats for objects in each generations
    1046                 :            : static void
    1047                 :          0 : show_stats_each_generations(GCState *gcstate)
    1048                 :            : {
    1049                 :            :     char buf[100];
    1050                 :          0 :     size_t pos = 0;
    1051                 :            : 
    1052   [ #  #  #  # ]:          0 :     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS && pos < sizeof(buf); i++) {
    1053                 :          0 :         pos += PyOS_snprintf(buf+pos, sizeof(buf)-pos,
    1054                 :            :                              " %zd",
    1055                 :            :                              gc_list_size(GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i)));
    1056                 :            :     }
    1057                 :            : 
    1058                 :          0 :     PySys_FormatStderr(
    1059                 :            :         "gc: objects in each generation:%s\n"
    1060                 :            :         "gc: objects in permanent generation: %zd\n",
    1061                 :            :         buf, gc_list_size(&gcstate->permanent_generation.head));
    1062                 :          0 : }
    1063                 :            : 
    1064                 :            : /* Deduce which objects among "base" are unreachable from outside the list
    1065                 :            :    and move them to 'unreachable'. The process consist in the following steps:
    1066                 :            : 
    1067                 :            : 1. Copy all reference counts to a different field (gc_prev is used to hold
    1068                 :            :    this copy to save memory).
    1069                 :            : 2. Traverse all objects in "base" and visit all referred objects using
    1070                 :            :    "tp_traverse" and for every visited object, subtract 1 to the reference
    1071                 :            :    count (the one that we copied in the previous step). After this step, all
    1072                 :            :    objects that can be reached directly from outside must have strictly positive
    1073                 :            :    reference count, while all unreachable objects must have a count of exactly 0.
    1074                 :            : 3. Identify all unreachable objects (the ones with 0 reference count) and move
    1075                 :            :    them to the "unreachable" list. This step also needs to move back to "base" all
    1076                 :            :    objects that were initially marked as unreachable but are referred transitively
    1077                 :            :    by the reachable objects (the ones with strictly positive reference count).
    1078                 :            : 
    1079                 :            : Contracts:
    1080                 :            : 
    1081                 :            :     * The "base" has to be a valid list with no mask set.
    1082                 :            : 
    1083                 :            :     * The "unreachable" list must be uninitialized (this function calls
    1084                 :            :       gc_list_init over 'unreachable').
    1085                 :            : 
    1086                 :            : IMPORTANT: This function leaves 'unreachable' with the NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE
    1087                 :            : flag set but it does not clear it to skip unnecessary iteration. Before the
    1088                 :            : flag is cleared (for example, by using 'clear_unreachable_mask' function or
    1089                 :            : by a call to 'move_legacy_finalizers'), the 'unreachable' list is not a normal
    1090                 :            : list and we can not use most gc_list_* functions for it. */
    1091                 :            : static inline void
    1092                 :     470214 : deduce_unreachable(PyGC_Head *base, PyGC_Head *unreachable) {
    1093                 :            :     validate_list(base, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1094                 :            :     /* Using ob_refcnt and gc_refs, calculate which objects in the
    1095                 :            :      * container set are reachable from outside the set (i.e., have a
    1096                 :            :      * refcount greater than 0 when all the references within the
    1097                 :            :      * set are taken into account).
    1098                 :            :      */
    1099                 :     470214 :     update_refs(base);  // gc_prev is used for gc_refs
    1100                 :     470214 :     subtract_refs(base);
    1101                 :            : 
    1102                 :            :     /* Leave everything reachable from outside base in base, and move
    1103                 :            :      * everything else (in base) to unreachable.
    1104                 :            :      *
    1105                 :            :      * NOTE:  This used to move the reachable objects into a reachable
    1106                 :            :      * set instead.  But most things usually turn out to be reachable,
    1107                 :            :      * so it's more efficient to move the unreachable things.  It "sounds slick"
    1108                 :            :      * to move the unreachable objects, until you think about it - the reason it
    1109                 :            :      * pays isn't actually obvious.
    1110                 :            :      *
    1111                 :            :      * Suppose we create objects A, B, C in that order.  They appear in the young
    1112                 :            :      * generation in the same order.  If B points to A, and C to B, and C is
    1113                 :            :      * reachable from outside, then the adjusted refcounts will be 0, 0, and 1
    1114                 :            :      * respectively.
    1115                 :            :      *
    1116                 :            :      * When move_unreachable finds A, A is moved to the unreachable list.  The
    1117                 :            :      * same for B when it's first encountered.  Then C is traversed, B is moved
    1118                 :            :      * _back_ to the reachable list.  B is eventually traversed, and then A is
    1119                 :            :      * moved back to the reachable list.
    1120                 :            :      *
    1121                 :            :      * So instead of not moving at all, the reachable objects B and A are moved
    1122                 :            :      * twice each.  Why is this a win?  A straightforward algorithm to move the
    1123                 :            :      * reachable objects instead would move A, B, and C once each.
    1124                 :            :      *
    1125                 :            :      * The key is that this dance leaves the objects in order C, B, A - it's
    1126                 :            :      * reversed from the original order.  On all _subsequent_ scans, none of
    1127                 :            :      * them will move.  Since most objects aren't in cycles, this can save an
    1128                 :            :      * unbounded number of moves across an unbounded number of later collections.
    1129                 :            :      * It can cost more only the first time the chain is scanned.
    1130                 :            :      *
    1131                 :            :      * Drawback:  move_unreachable is also used to find out what's still trash
    1132                 :            :      * after finalizers may resurrect objects.  In _that_ case most unreachable
    1133                 :            :      * objects will remain unreachable, so it would be more efficient to move
    1134                 :            :      * the reachable objects instead.  But this is a one-time cost, probably not
    1135                 :            :      * worth complicating the code to speed just a little.
    1136                 :            :      */
    1137                 :     470214 :     gc_list_init(unreachable);
    1138                 :     470214 :     move_unreachable(base, unreachable);  // gc_prev is pointer again
    1139                 :            :     validate_list(base, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1140                 :            :     validate_list(unreachable, collecting_set_unreachable_set);
    1141                 :     470214 : }
    1142                 :            : 
    1143                 :            : /* Handle objects that may have resurrected after a call to 'finalize_garbage', moving
    1144                 :            :    them to 'old_generation' and placing the rest on 'still_unreachable'.
    1145                 :            : 
    1146                 :            :    Contracts:
    1147                 :            :        * After this function 'unreachable' must not be used anymore and 'still_unreachable'
    1148                 :            :          will contain the objects that did not resurrect.
    1149                 :            : 
    1150                 :            :        * The "still_unreachable" list must be uninitialized (this function calls
    1151                 :            :          gc_list_init over 'still_unreachable').
    1152                 :            : 
    1153                 :            : IMPORTANT: After a call to this function, the 'still_unreachable' set will have the
    1154                 :            : PREV_MARK_COLLECTING set, but the objects in this set are going to be removed so
    1155                 :            : we can skip the expense of clearing the flag to avoid extra iteration. */
    1156                 :            : static inline void
    1157                 :     235107 : handle_resurrected_objects(PyGC_Head *unreachable, PyGC_Head* still_unreachable,
    1158                 :            :                            PyGC_Head *old_generation)
    1159                 :            : {
    1160                 :            :     // Remove the PREV_MASK_COLLECTING from unreachable
    1161                 :            :     // to prepare it for a new call to 'deduce_unreachable'
    1162                 :     235107 :     gc_list_clear_collecting(unreachable);
    1163                 :            : 
    1164                 :            :     // After the call to deduce_unreachable, the 'still_unreachable' set will
    1165                 :            :     // have the PREV_MARK_COLLECTING set, but the objects are going to be
    1166                 :            :     // removed so we can skip the expense of clearing the flag.
    1167                 :     235107 :     PyGC_Head* resurrected = unreachable;
    1168                 :     235107 :     deduce_unreachable(resurrected, still_unreachable);
    1169                 :     235107 :     clear_unreachable_mask(still_unreachable);
    1170                 :            : 
    1171                 :            :     // Move the resurrected objects to the old generation for future collection.
    1172                 :     235107 :     gc_list_merge(resurrected, old_generation);
    1173                 :     235107 : }
    1174                 :            : 
    1175                 :            : /* This is the main function.  Read this to understand how the
    1176                 :            :  * collection process works. */
    1177                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
    1178                 :     235107 : gc_collect_main(PyThreadState *tstate, int generation,
    1179                 :            :                 Py_ssize_t *n_collected, Py_ssize_t *n_uncollectable,
    1180                 :            :                 int nofail)
    1181                 :            : {
    1182                 :            :     int i;
    1183                 :     235107 :     Py_ssize_t m = 0; /* # objects collected */
    1184                 :     235107 :     Py_ssize_t n = 0; /* # unreachable objects that couldn't be collected */
    1185                 :            :     PyGC_Head *young; /* the generation we are examining */
    1186                 :            :     PyGC_Head *old; /* next older generation */
    1187                 :            :     PyGC_Head unreachable; /* non-problematic unreachable trash */
    1188                 :            :     PyGC_Head finalizers;  /* objects with, & reachable from, __del__ */
    1189                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
    1190                 :     235107 :     _PyTime_t t1 = 0;   /* initialize to prevent a compiler warning */
    1191                 :     235107 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    1192                 :            : 
    1193                 :            :     // gc_collect_main() must not be called before _PyGC_Init
    1194                 :            :     // or after _PyGC_Fini()
    1195                 :            :     assert(gcstate->garbage != NULL);
    1196                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1197                 :            : 
    1198         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_STATS) {
    1199                 :          0 :         PySys_WriteStderr("gc: collecting generation %d...\n", generation);
    1200                 :          0 :         show_stats_each_generations(gcstate);
    1201                 :          0 :         t1 = _PyTime_GetPerfCounter();
    1202                 :            :     }
    1203                 :            : 
    1204         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (PyDTrace_GC_START_ENABLED())
    1205                 :          0 :         PyDTrace_GC_START(generation);
    1206                 :            : 
    1207                 :            :     /* update collection and allocation counters */
    1208         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (generation+1 < NUM_GENERATIONS)
    1209                 :     208408 :         gcstate->generations[generation+1].count += 1;
    1210         [ +  + ]:     542512 :     for (i = 0; i <= generation; i++)
    1211                 :     307405 :         gcstate->generations[i].count = 0;
    1212                 :            : 
    1213                 :            :     /* merge younger generations with one we are currently collecting */
    1214         [ +  + ]:     307405 :     for (i = 0; i < generation; i++) {
    1215                 :      72298 :         gc_list_merge(GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i), GEN_HEAD(gcstate, generation));
    1216                 :            :     }
    1217                 :            : 
    1218                 :            :     /* handy references */
    1219                 :     235107 :     young = GEN_HEAD(gcstate, generation);
    1220         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (generation < NUM_GENERATIONS-1)
    1221                 :     208408 :         old = GEN_HEAD(gcstate, generation+1);
    1222                 :            :     else
    1223                 :      26699 :         old = young;
    1224                 :            :     validate_list(old, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1225                 :            : 
    1226                 :     235107 :     deduce_unreachable(young, &unreachable);
    1227                 :            : 
    1228                 :     235107 :     untrack_tuples(young);
    1229                 :            :     /* Move reachable objects to next generation. */
    1230         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (young != old) {
    1231         [ +  + ]:     208408 :         if (generation == NUM_GENERATIONS - 2) {
    1232                 :      18900 :             gcstate->long_lived_pending += gc_list_size(young);
    1233                 :            :         }
    1234                 :     208408 :         gc_list_merge(young, old);
    1235                 :            :     }
    1236                 :            :     else {
    1237                 :            :         /* We only un-track dicts in full collections, to avoid quadratic
    1238                 :            :            dict build-up. See issue #14775. */
    1239                 :      26699 :         untrack_dicts(young);
    1240                 :      26699 :         gcstate->long_lived_pending = 0;
    1241                 :      26699 :         gcstate->long_lived_total = gc_list_size(young);
    1242                 :            :     }
    1243                 :            : 
    1244                 :            :     /* All objects in unreachable are trash, but objects reachable from
    1245                 :            :      * legacy finalizers (e.g. tp_del) can't safely be deleted.
    1246                 :            :      */
    1247                 :     235107 :     gc_list_init(&finalizers);
    1248                 :            :     // NEXT_MASK_UNREACHABLE is cleared here.
    1249                 :            :     // After move_legacy_finalizers(), unreachable is normal list.
    1250                 :     235107 :     move_legacy_finalizers(&unreachable, &finalizers);
    1251                 :            :     /* finalizers contains the unreachable objects with a legacy finalizer;
    1252                 :            :      * unreachable objects reachable *from* those are also uncollectable,
    1253                 :            :      * and we move those into the finalizers list too.
    1254                 :            :      */
    1255                 :     235107 :     move_legacy_finalizer_reachable(&finalizers);
    1256                 :            : 
    1257                 :            :     validate_list(&finalizers, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1258                 :            :     validate_list(&unreachable, collecting_set_unreachable_clear);
    1259                 :            : 
    1260                 :            :     /* Print debugging information. */
    1261         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_COLLECTABLE) {
    1262         [ #  # ]:          0 :         for (gc = GC_NEXT(&unreachable); gc != &unreachable; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
    1263                 :          0 :             debug_cycle("collectable", FROM_GC(gc));
    1264                 :            :         }
    1265                 :            :     }
    1266                 :            : 
    1267                 :            :     /* Clear weakrefs and invoke callbacks as necessary. */
    1268                 :     235107 :     m += handle_weakrefs(&unreachable, old);
    1269                 :            : 
    1270                 :            :     validate_list(old, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1271                 :            :     validate_list(&unreachable, collecting_set_unreachable_clear);
    1272                 :            : 
    1273                 :            :     /* Call tp_finalize on objects which have one. */
    1274                 :     235107 :     finalize_garbage(tstate, &unreachable);
    1275                 :            : 
    1276                 :            :     /* Handle any objects that may have resurrected after the call
    1277                 :            :      * to 'finalize_garbage' and continue the collection with the
    1278                 :            :      * objects that are still unreachable */
    1279                 :            :     PyGC_Head final_unreachable;
    1280                 :     235107 :     handle_resurrected_objects(&unreachable, &final_unreachable, old);
    1281                 :            : 
    1282                 :            :     /* Call tp_clear on objects in the final_unreachable set.  This will cause
    1283                 :            :     * the reference cycles to be broken.  It may also cause some objects
    1284                 :            :     * in finalizers to be freed.
    1285                 :            :     */
    1286                 :     235107 :     m += gc_list_size(&final_unreachable);
    1287                 :     235107 :     delete_garbage(tstate, gcstate, &final_unreachable, old);
    1288                 :            : 
    1289                 :            :     /* Collect statistics on uncollectable objects found and print
    1290                 :            :      * debugging information. */
    1291         [ +  + ]:     235142 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(&finalizers); gc != &finalizers; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
    1292                 :         35 :         n++;
    1293         [ +  + ]:         35 :         if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE)
    1294                 :          2 :             debug_cycle("uncollectable", FROM_GC(gc));
    1295                 :            :     }
    1296         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_STATS) {
    1297                 :          0 :         double d = _PyTime_AsSecondsDouble(_PyTime_GetPerfCounter() - t1);
    1298                 :          0 :         PySys_WriteStderr(
    1299                 :            :             "gc: done, %zd unreachable, %zd uncollectable, %.4fs elapsed\n",
    1300                 :            :             n+m, n, d);
    1301                 :            :     }
    1302                 :            : 
    1303                 :            :     /* Append instances in the uncollectable set to a Python
    1304                 :            :      * reachable list of garbage.  The programmer has to deal with
    1305                 :            :      * this if they insist on creating this type of structure.
    1306                 :            :      */
    1307                 :     235107 :     handle_legacy_finalizers(tstate, gcstate, &finalizers, old);
    1308                 :            :     validate_list(old, collecting_clear_unreachable_clear);
    1309                 :            : 
    1310                 :            :     /* Clear free list only during the collection of the highest
    1311                 :            :      * generation */
    1312         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (generation == NUM_GENERATIONS-1) {
    1313                 :      26699 :         clear_freelists(tstate->interp);
    1314                 :            :     }
    1315                 :            : 
    1316         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (_PyErr_Occurred(tstate)) {
    1317         [ #  # ]:          0 :         if (nofail) {
    1318                 :          0 :             _PyErr_Clear(tstate);
    1319                 :            :         }
    1320                 :            :         else {
    1321                 :          0 :             _PyErr_WriteUnraisableMsg("in garbage collection", NULL);
    1322                 :            :         }
    1323                 :            :     }
    1324                 :            : 
    1325                 :            :     /* Update stats */
    1326         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (n_collected) {
    1327                 :     225732 :         *n_collected = m;
    1328                 :            :     }
    1329         [ +  + ]:     235107 :     if (n_uncollectable) {
    1330                 :     225732 :         *n_uncollectable = n;
    1331                 :            :     }
    1332                 :            : 
    1333                 :     235107 :     struct gc_generation_stats *stats = &gcstate->generation_stats[generation];
    1334                 :     235107 :     stats->collections++;
    1335                 :     235107 :     stats->collected += m;
    1336                 :     235107 :     stats->uncollectable += n;
    1337                 :            : 
    1338         [ -  + ]:     235107 :     if (PyDTrace_GC_DONE_ENABLED()) {
    1339                 :          0 :         PyDTrace_GC_DONE(n + m);
    1340                 :            :     }
    1341                 :            : 
    1342                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1343                 :     235107 :     return n + m;
    1344                 :            : }
    1345                 :            : 
    1346                 :            : /* Invoke progress callbacks to notify clients that garbage collection
    1347                 :            :  * is starting or stopping
    1348                 :            :  */
    1349                 :            : static void
    1350                 :     451464 : invoke_gc_callback(PyThreadState *tstate, const char *phase,
    1351                 :            :                    int generation, Py_ssize_t collected,
    1352                 :            :                    Py_ssize_t uncollectable)
    1353                 :            : {
    1354                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1355                 :            : 
    1356                 :            :     /* we may get called very early */
    1357                 :     451464 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    1358         [ -  + ]:     451464 :     if (gcstate->callbacks == NULL) {
    1359                 :          0 :         return;
    1360                 :            :     }
    1361                 :            : 
    1362                 :            :     /* The local variable cannot be rebound, check it for sanity */
    1363                 :            :     assert(PyList_CheckExact(gcstate->callbacks));
    1364                 :     451464 :     PyObject *info = NULL;
    1365         [ +  + ]:     451464 :     if (PyList_GET_SIZE(gcstate->callbacks) != 0) {
    1366                 :         18 :         info = Py_BuildValue("{sisnsn}",
    1367                 :            :             "generation", generation,
    1368                 :            :             "collected", collected,
    1369                 :            :             "uncollectable", uncollectable);
    1370         [ -  + ]:         18 :         if (info == NULL) {
    1371                 :          0 :             PyErr_WriteUnraisable(NULL);
    1372                 :          0 :             return;
    1373                 :            :         }
    1374                 :            :     }
    1375         [ +  + ]:     451496 :     for (Py_ssize_t i=0; i<PyList_GET_SIZE(gcstate->callbacks); i++) {
    1376                 :         32 :         PyObject *r, *cb = PyList_GET_ITEM(gcstate->callbacks, i);
    1377                 :         32 :         Py_INCREF(cb); /* make sure cb doesn't go away */
    1378                 :         32 :         r = PyObject_CallFunction(cb, "sO", phase, info);
    1379         [ -  + ]:         32 :         if (r == NULL) {
    1380                 :          0 :             PyErr_WriteUnraisable(cb);
    1381                 :            :         }
    1382                 :            :         else {
    1383                 :         32 :             Py_DECREF(r);
    1384                 :            :         }
    1385                 :         32 :         Py_DECREF(cb);
    1386                 :            :     }
    1387                 :     451464 :     Py_XDECREF(info);
    1388                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1389                 :            : }
    1390                 :            : 
    1391                 :            : /* Perform garbage collection of a generation and invoke
    1392                 :            :  * progress callbacks.
    1393                 :            :  */
    1394                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
    1395                 :     225732 : gc_collect_with_callback(PyThreadState *tstate, int generation)
    1396                 :            : {
    1397                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1398                 :            :     Py_ssize_t result, collected, uncollectable;
    1399                 :     225732 :     invoke_gc_callback(tstate, "start", generation, 0, 0);
    1400                 :     225732 :     result = gc_collect_main(tstate, generation, &collected, &uncollectable, 0);
    1401                 :     225732 :     invoke_gc_callback(tstate, "stop", generation, collected, uncollectable);
    1402                 :            :     assert(!_PyErr_Occurred(tstate));
    1403                 :     225732 :     return result;
    1404                 :            : }
    1405                 :            : 
    1406                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
    1407                 :     208528 : gc_collect_generations(PyThreadState *tstate)
    1408                 :            : {
    1409                 :     208528 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    1410                 :            :     /* Find the oldest generation (highest numbered) where the count
    1411                 :            :      * exceeds the threshold.  Objects in the that generation and
    1412                 :            :      * generations younger than it will be collected. */
    1413                 :     208528 :     Py_ssize_t n = 0;
    1414         [ +  - ]:     605842 :     for (int i = NUM_GENERATIONS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    1415         [ +  + ]:     605842 :         if (gcstate->generations[i].count > gcstate->generations[i].threshold) {
    1416                 :            :             /* Avoid quadratic performance degradation in number
    1417                 :            :                of tracked objects (see also issue #4074):
    1418                 :            : 
    1419                 :            :                To limit the cost of garbage collection, there are two strategies;
    1420                 :            :                  - make each collection faster, e.g. by scanning fewer objects
    1421                 :            :                  - do less collections
    1422                 :            :                This heuristic is about the latter strategy.
    1423                 :            : 
    1424                 :            :                In addition to the various configurable thresholds, we only trigger a
    1425                 :            :                full collection if the ratio
    1426                 :            : 
    1427                 :            :                 long_lived_pending / long_lived_total
    1428                 :            : 
    1429                 :            :                is above a given value (hardwired to 25%).
    1430                 :            : 
    1431                 :            :                The reason is that, while "non-full" collections (i.e., collections of
    1432                 :            :                the young and middle generations) will always examine roughly the same
    1433                 :            :                number of objects -- determined by the aforementioned thresholds --,
    1434                 :            :                the cost of a full collection is proportional to the total number of
    1435                 :            :                long-lived objects, which is virtually unbounded.
    1436                 :            : 
    1437                 :            :                Indeed, it has been remarked that doing a full collection every
    1438                 :            :                <constant number> of object creations entails a dramatic performance
    1439                 :            :                degradation in workloads which consist in creating and storing lots of
    1440                 :            :                long-lived objects (e.g. building a large list of GC-tracked objects would
    1441                 :            :                show quadratic performance, instead of linear as expected: see issue #4074).
    1442                 :            : 
    1443                 :            :                Using the above ratio, instead, yields amortized linear performance in
    1444                 :            :                the total number of objects (the effect of which can be summarized
    1445                 :            :                thusly: "each full garbage collection is more and more costly as the
    1446                 :            :                number of objects grows, but we do fewer and fewer of them").
    1447                 :            : 
    1448                 :            :                This heuristic was suggested by Martin von Löwis on python-dev in
    1449                 :            :                June 2008. His original analysis and proposal can be found at:
    1450                 :            :      
    1451                 :            :             */
    1452         [ +  + ]:     285132 :             if (i == NUM_GENERATIONS - 1
    1453         [ +  + ]:      77026 :                 && gcstate->long_lived_pending < gcstate->long_lived_total / 4)
    1454                 :      76604 :                 continue;
    1455                 :     208528 :             n = gc_collect_with_callback(tstate, i);
    1456                 :     208528 :             break;
    1457                 :            :         }
    1458                 :            :     }
    1459                 :     208528 :     return n;
    1460                 :            : }
    1461                 :            : 
    1462                 :            : #include "clinic/gcmodule.c.h"
    1463                 :            : 
    1464                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1465                 :            : gc.enable
    1466                 :            : 
    1467                 :            : Enable automatic garbage collection.
    1468                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1469                 :            : 
    1470                 :            : static PyObject *
    1471                 :        448 : gc_enable_impl(PyObject *module)
    1472                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=45a427e9dce9155c input=81ac4940ca579707]*/
    1473                 :            : {
    1474                 :        448 :     PyGC_Enable();
    1475                 :        448 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1476                 :            : }
    1477                 :            : 
    1478                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1479                 :            : gc.disable
    1480                 :            : 
    1481                 :            : Disable automatic garbage collection.
    1482                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1483                 :            : 
    1484                 :            : static PyObject *
    1485                 :        449 : gc_disable_impl(PyObject *module)
    1486                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=97d1030f7aa9d279 input=8c2e5a14e800d83b]*/
    1487                 :            : {
    1488                 :        449 :     PyGC_Disable();
    1489                 :        449 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1490                 :            : }
    1491                 :            : 
    1492                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1493                 :            : gc.isenabled -> bool
    1494                 :            : 
    1495                 :            : Returns true if automatic garbage collection is enabled.
    1496                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1497                 :            : 
    1498                 :            : static int
    1499                 :        452 : gc_isenabled_impl(PyObject *module)
    1500                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=1874298331c49130 input=30005e0422373b31]*/
    1501                 :            : {
    1502                 :        452 :     return PyGC_IsEnabled();
    1503                 :            : }
    1504                 :            : 
    1505                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1506                 :            : gc.collect -> Py_ssize_t
    1507                 :            : 
    1508                 :            :     generation: int(c_default="NUM_GENERATIONS - 1") = 2
    1509                 :            : 
    1510                 :            : Run the garbage collector.
    1511                 :            : 
    1512                 :            : With no arguments, run a full collection.  The optional argument
    1513                 :            : may be an integer specifying which generation to collect.  A ValueError
    1514                 :            : is raised if the generation number is invalid.
    1515                 :            : 
    1516                 :            : The number of unreachable objects is returned.
    1517                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1518                 :            : 
    1519                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
    1520                 :      14247 : gc_collect_impl(PyObject *module, int generation)
    1521                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=b697e633043233c7 input=40720128b682d879]*/
    1522                 :            : {
    1523                 :      14247 :     PyThreadState *tstate = _PyThreadState_GET();
    1524                 :            : 
    1525   [ +  -  -  + ]:      14247 :     if (generation < 0 || generation >= NUM_GENERATIONS) {
    1526                 :          0 :         _PyErr_SetString(tstate, PyExc_ValueError, "invalid generation");
    1527                 :          0 :         return -1;
    1528                 :            :     }
    1529                 :            : 
    1530                 :      14247 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    1531                 :            :     Py_ssize_t n;
    1532         [ -  + ]:      14247 :     if (gcstate->collecting) {
    1533                 :            :         /* already collecting, don't do anything */
    1534                 :          0 :         n = 0;
    1535                 :            :     }
    1536                 :            :     else {
    1537                 :      14247 :         gcstate->collecting = 1;
    1538                 :      14247 :         n = gc_collect_with_callback(tstate, generation);
    1539                 :      14247 :         gcstate->collecting = 0;
    1540                 :            :     }
    1541                 :      14247 :     return n;
    1542                 :            : }
    1543                 :            : 
    1544                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1545                 :            : gc.set_debug
    1546                 :            : 
    1547                 :            :     flags: int
    1548                 :            :         An integer that can have the following bits turned on:
    1549                 :            :           DEBUG_STATS - Print statistics during collection.
    1550                 :            :           DEBUG_COLLECTABLE - Print collectable objects found.
    1551                 :            :           DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE - Print unreachable but uncollectable objects
    1552                 :            :             found.
    1553                 :            :           DEBUG_SAVEALL - Save objects to gc.garbage rather than freeing them.
    1554                 :            :           DEBUG_LEAK - Debug leaking programs (everything but STATS).
    1555                 :            :     /
    1556                 :            : 
    1557                 :            : Set the garbage collection debugging flags.
    1558                 :            : 
    1559                 :            : Debugging information is written to sys.stderr.
    1560                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1561                 :            : 
    1562                 :            : static PyObject *
    1563                 :         13 : gc_set_debug_impl(PyObject *module, int flags)
    1564                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=7c8366575486b228 input=5e5ce15e84fbed15]*/
    1565                 :            : {
    1566                 :         13 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1567                 :         13 :     gcstate->debug = flags;
    1568                 :         13 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1569                 :            : }
    1570                 :            : 
    1571                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1572                 :            : gc.get_debug -> int
    1573                 :            : 
    1574                 :            : Get the garbage collection debugging flags.
    1575                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1576                 :            : 
    1577                 :            : static int
    1578                 :          5 : gc_get_debug_impl(PyObject *module)
    1579                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=91242f3506cd1e50 input=91a101e1c3b98366]*/
    1580                 :            : {
    1581                 :          5 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1582                 :          5 :     return gcstate->debug;
    1583                 :            : }
    1584                 :            : 
    1585                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(gc_set_thresh__doc__,
    1586                 :            : "set_threshold(threshold0, [threshold1, threshold2]) -> None\n"
    1587                 :            : "\n"
    1588                 :            : "Sets the collection thresholds.  Setting threshold0 to zero disables\n"
    1589                 :            : "collection.\n");
    1590                 :            : 
    1591                 :            : static PyObject *
    1592                 :        324 : gc_set_threshold(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    1593                 :            : {
    1594                 :        324 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1595         [ -  + ]:        324 :     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i|ii:set_threshold",
    1596                 :            :                           &gcstate->generations[0].threshold,
    1597                 :            :                           &gcstate->generations[1].threshold,
    1598                 :            :                           &gcstate->generations[2].threshold))
    1599                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1600         [ -  + ]:        324 :     for (int i = 3; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    1601                 :            :         /* generations higher than 2 get the same threshold */
    1602                 :          0 :         gcstate->generations[i].threshold = gcstate->generations[2].threshold;
    1603                 :            :     }
    1604                 :        324 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1605                 :            : }
    1606                 :            : 
    1607                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1608                 :            : gc.get_threshold
    1609                 :            : 
    1610                 :            : Return the current collection thresholds.
    1611                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1612                 :            : 
    1613                 :            : static PyObject *
    1614                 :         14 : gc_get_threshold_impl(PyObject *module)
    1615                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=7902bc9f41ecbbd8 input=286d79918034d6e6]*/
    1616                 :            : {
    1617                 :         14 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1618                 :         14 :     return Py_BuildValue("(iii)",
    1619                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[0].threshold,
    1620                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[1].threshold,
    1621                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[2].threshold);
    1622                 :            : }
    1623                 :            : 
    1624                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1625                 :            : gc.get_count
    1626                 :            : 
    1627                 :            : Return a three-tuple of the current collection counts.
    1628                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1629                 :            : 
    1630                 :            : static PyObject *
    1631                 :          5 : gc_get_count_impl(PyObject *module)
    1632                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=354012e67b16398f input=a392794a08251751]*/
    1633                 :            : {
    1634                 :          5 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1635                 :          5 :     return Py_BuildValue("(iii)",
    1636                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[0].count,
    1637                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[1].count,
    1638                 :            :                          gcstate->generations[2].count);
    1639                 :            : }
    1640                 :            : 
    1641                 :            : static int
    1642                 :   15790262 : referrersvisit(PyObject* obj, PyObject *objs)
    1643                 :            : {
    1644                 :            :     Py_ssize_t i;
    1645         [ +  + ]:   31577498 :     for (i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(objs); i++)
    1646         [ +  + ]:   15790262 :         if (PyTuple_GET_ITEM(objs, i) == obj)
    1647                 :       3026 :             return 1;
    1648                 :   15787236 :     return 0;
    1649                 :            : }
    1650                 :            : 
    1651                 :            : static int
    1652                 :        756 : gc_referrers_for(PyObject *objs, PyGC_Head *list, PyObject *resultlist)
    1653                 :            : {
    1654                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
    1655                 :            :     PyObject *obj;
    1656                 :            :     traverseproc traverse;
    1657         [ +  + ]:    3036608 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(list); gc != list; gc = GC_NEXT(gc)) {
    1658                 :    3035852 :         obj = FROM_GC(gc);
    1659                 :    3035852 :         traverse = Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_traverse;
    1660   [ +  +  +  + ]:    3035852 :         if (obj == objs || obj == resultlist)
    1661                 :        504 :             continue;
    1662         [ +  + ]:    3035348 :         if (traverse(obj, (visitproc)referrersvisit, objs)) {
    1663         [ -  + ]:       3026 :             if (PyList_Append(resultlist, obj) < 0)
    1664                 :          0 :                 return 0; /* error */
    1665                 :            :         }
    1666                 :            :     }
    1667                 :        756 :     return 1; /* no error */
    1668                 :            : }
    1669                 :            : 
    1670                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(gc_get_referrers__doc__,
    1671                 :            : "get_referrers(*objs) -> list\n\
    1672                 :            : Return the list of objects that directly refer to any of objs.");
    1673                 :            : 
    1674                 :            : static PyObject *
    1675                 :        252 : gc_get_referrers(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    1676                 :            : {
    1677         [ -  + ]:        252 :     if (PySys_Audit("gc.get_referrers", "(O)", args) < 0) {
    1678                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1679                 :            :     }
    1680                 :            : 
    1681                 :        252 :     PyObject *result = PyList_New(0);
    1682         [ -  + ]:        252 :     if (!result) {
    1683                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1684                 :            :     }
    1685                 :            : 
    1686                 :        252 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1687         [ +  + ]:       1008 :     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    1688         [ -  + ]:        756 :         if (!(gc_referrers_for(args, GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i), result))) {
    1689                 :          0 :             Py_DECREF(result);
    1690                 :          0 :             return NULL;
    1691                 :            :         }
    1692                 :            :     }
    1693                 :        252 :     return result;
    1694                 :            : }
    1695                 :            : 
    1696                 :            : /* Append obj to list; return true if error (out of memory), false if OK. */
    1697                 :            : static int
    1698                 :         18 : referentsvisit(PyObject *obj, PyObject *list)
    1699                 :            : {
    1700                 :         18 :     return PyList_Append(list, obj) < 0;
    1701                 :            : }
    1702                 :            : 
    1703                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(gc_get_referents__doc__,
    1704                 :            : "get_referents(*objs) -> list\n\
    1705                 :            : Return the list of objects that are directly referred to by objs.");
    1706                 :            : 
    1707                 :            : static PyObject *
    1708                 :          6 : gc_get_referents(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    1709                 :            : {
    1710                 :            :     Py_ssize_t i;
    1711         [ -  + ]:          6 :     if (PySys_Audit("gc.get_referents", "(O)", args) < 0) {
    1712                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1713                 :            :     }
    1714                 :          6 :     PyObject *result = PyList_New(0);
    1715                 :            : 
    1716         [ -  + ]:          6 :     if (result == NULL)
    1717                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1718                 :            : 
    1719         [ +  + ]:         16 :     for (i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); i++) {
    1720                 :            :         traverseproc traverse;
    1721                 :         10 :         PyObject *obj = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, i);
    1722                 :            : 
    1723         [ +  + ]:         10 :         if (!_PyObject_IS_GC(obj))
    1724                 :          3 :             continue;
    1725                 :          7 :         traverse = Py_TYPE(obj)->tp_traverse;
    1726         [ -  + ]:          7 :         if (! traverse)
    1727                 :          0 :             continue;
    1728         [ -  + ]:          7 :         if (traverse(obj, (visitproc)referentsvisit, result)) {
    1729                 :          0 :             Py_DECREF(result);
    1730                 :          0 :             return NULL;
    1731                 :            :         }
    1732                 :            :     }
    1733                 :          6 :     return result;
    1734                 :            : }
    1735                 :            : 
    1736                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1737                 :            : gc.get_objects
    1738                 :            :     generation: Py_ssize_t(accept={int, NoneType}, c_default="-1") = None
    1739                 :            :         Generation to extract the objects from.
    1740                 :            : 
    1741                 :            : Return a list of objects tracked by the collector (excluding the list returned).
    1742                 :            : 
    1743                 :            : If generation is not None, return only the objects tracked by the collector
    1744                 :            : that are in that generation.
    1745                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1746                 :            : 
    1747                 :            : static PyObject *
    1748                 :         21 : gc_get_objects_impl(PyObject *module, Py_ssize_t generation)
    1749                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=48b35fea4ba6cb0e input=ef7da9df9806754c]*/
    1750                 :            : {
    1751                 :         21 :     PyThreadState *tstate = _PyThreadState_GET();
    1752                 :            :     int i;
    1753                 :            :     PyObject* result;
    1754                 :         21 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    1755                 :            : 
    1756         [ -  + ]:         21 :     if (PySys_Audit("gc.get_objects", "n", generation) < 0) {
    1757                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1758                 :            :     }
    1759                 :            : 
    1760                 :         21 :     result = PyList_New(0);
    1761         [ -  + ]:         21 :     if (result == NULL) {
    1762                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1763                 :            :     }
    1764                 :            : 
    1765                 :            :     /* If generation is passed, we extract only that generation */
    1766         [ +  + ]:         21 :     if (generation != -1) {
    1767         [ +  + ]:         15 :         if (generation >= NUM_GENERATIONS) {
    1768                 :          1 :             _PyErr_Format(tstate, PyExc_ValueError,
    1769                 :            :                           "generation parameter must be less than the number of "
    1770                 :            :                           "available generations (%i)",
    1771                 :            :                            NUM_GENERATIONS);
    1772                 :          1 :             goto error;
    1773                 :            :         }
    1774                 :            : 
    1775         [ +  + ]:         14 :         if (generation < 0) {
    1776                 :          1 :             _PyErr_SetString(tstate, PyExc_ValueError,
    1777                 :            :                              "generation parameter cannot be negative");
    1778                 :          1 :             goto error;
    1779                 :            :         }
    1780                 :            : 
    1781         [ -  + ]:         13 :         if (append_objects(result, GEN_HEAD(gcstate, generation))) {
    1782                 :          0 :             goto error;
    1783                 :            :         }
    1784                 :            : 
    1785                 :         13 :         return result;
    1786                 :            :     }
    1787                 :            : 
    1788                 :            :     /* If generation is not passed or None, get all objects from all generations */
    1789         [ +  + ]:         24 :     for (i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    1790         [ -  + ]:         18 :         if (append_objects(result, GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i))) {
    1791                 :          0 :             goto error;
    1792                 :            :         }
    1793                 :            :     }
    1794                 :          6 :     return result;
    1795                 :            : 
    1796                 :          2 : error:
    1797                 :          2 :     Py_DECREF(result);
    1798                 :          2 :     return NULL;
    1799                 :            : }
    1800                 :            : 
    1801                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1802                 :            : gc.get_stats
    1803                 :            : 
    1804                 :            : Return a list of dictionaries containing per-generation statistics.
    1805                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1806                 :            : 
    1807                 :            : static PyObject *
    1808                 :          9 : gc_get_stats_impl(PyObject *module)
    1809                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=a8ab1d8a5d26f3ab input=1ef4ed9d17b1a470]*/
    1810                 :            : {
    1811                 :            :     int i;
    1812                 :            :     struct gc_generation_stats stats[NUM_GENERATIONS], *st;
    1813                 :            : 
    1814                 :            :     /* To get consistent values despite allocations while constructing
    1815                 :            :        the result list, we use a snapshot of the running stats. */
    1816                 :          9 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1817         [ +  + ]:         36 :     for (i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    1818                 :         27 :         stats[i] = gcstate->generation_stats[i];
    1819                 :            :     }
    1820                 :            : 
    1821                 :          9 :     PyObject *result = PyList_New(0);
    1822         [ -  + ]:          9 :     if (result == NULL)
    1823                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    1824                 :            : 
    1825         [ +  + ]:         36 :     for (i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    1826                 :            :         PyObject *dict;
    1827                 :         27 :         st = &stats[i];
    1828                 :         27 :         dict = Py_BuildValue("{snsnsn}",
    1829                 :            :                              "collections", st->collections,
    1830                 :            :                              "collected", st->collected,
    1831                 :            :                              "uncollectable", st->uncollectable
    1832                 :            :                             );
    1833         [ -  + ]:         27 :         if (dict == NULL)
    1834                 :          0 :             goto error;
    1835         [ -  + ]:         27 :         if (PyList_Append(result, dict)) {
    1836                 :          0 :             Py_DECREF(dict);
    1837                 :          0 :             goto error;
    1838                 :            :         }
    1839                 :         27 :         Py_DECREF(dict);
    1840                 :            :     }
    1841                 :          9 :     return result;
    1842                 :            : 
    1843                 :          0 : error:
    1844                 :          0 :     Py_XDECREF(result);
    1845                 :          0 :     return NULL;
    1846                 :            : }
    1847                 :            : 
    1848                 :            : 
    1849                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1850                 :            : gc.is_tracked
    1851                 :            : 
    1852                 :            :     obj: object
    1853                 :            :     /
    1854                 :            : 
    1855                 :            : Returns true if the object is tracked by the garbage collector.
    1856                 :            : 
    1857                 :            : Simple atomic objects will return false.
    1858                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1859                 :            : 
    1860                 :            : static PyObject *
    1861                 :        178 : gc_is_tracked(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj)
    1862                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=14f0103423b28e31 input=d83057f170ea2723]*/
    1863                 :            : {
    1864                 :            :     PyObject *result;
    1865                 :            : 
    1866   [ +  +  +  + ]:        178 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(obj) && _PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(obj))
    1867                 :        122 :         result = Py_True;
    1868                 :            :     else
    1869                 :         56 :         result = Py_False;
    1870                 :        178 :     Py_INCREF(result);
    1871                 :        178 :     return result;
    1872                 :            : }
    1873                 :            : 
    1874                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1875                 :            : gc.is_finalized
    1876                 :            : 
    1877                 :            :     obj: object
    1878                 :            :     /
    1879                 :            : 
    1880                 :            : Returns true if the object has been already finalized by the GC.
    1881                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1882                 :            : 
    1883                 :            : static PyObject *
    1884                 :          3 : gc_is_finalized(PyObject *module, PyObject *obj)
    1885                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=e1516ac119a918ed input=201d0c58f69ae390]*/
    1886                 :            : {
    1887   [ +  +  +  + ]:          3 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(obj) && _PyGCHead_FINALIZED(AS_GC(obj))) {
    1888                 :          1 :          Py_RETURN_TRUE;
    1889                 :            :     }
    1890                 :          2 :     Py_RETURN_FALSE;
    1891                 :            : }
    1892                 :            : 
    1893                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1894                 :            : gc.freeze
    1895                 :            : 
    1896                 :            : Freeze all current tracked objects and ignore them for future collections.
    1897                 :            : 
    1898                 :            : This can be used before a POSIX fork() call to make the gc copy-on-write friendly.
    1899                 :            : Note: collection before a POSIX fork() call may free pages for future allocation
    1900                 :            : which can cause copy-on-write.
    1901                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1902                 :            : 
    1903                 :            : static PyObject *
    1904                 :          1 : gc_freeze_impl(PyObject *module)
    1905                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=502159d9cdc4c139 input=b602b16ac5febbe5]*/
    1906                 :            : {
    1907                 :          1 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1908         [ +  + ]:          4 :     for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; ++i) {
    1909                 :          3 :         gc_list_merge(GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i), &gcstate->permanent_generation.head);
    1910                 :          3 :         gcstate->generations[i].count = 0;
    1911                 :            :     }
    1912                 :          1 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1913                 :            : }
    1914                 :            : 
    1915                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1916                 :            : gc.unfreeze
    1917                 :            : 
    1918                 :            : Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation.
    1919                 :            : 
    1920                 :            : Put all objects in the permanent generation back into oldest generation.
    1921                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1922                 :            : 
    1923                 :            : static PyObject *
    1924                 :          1 : gc_unfreeze_impl(PyObject *module)
    1925                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=1c15f2043b25e169 input=2dd52b170f4cef6c]*/
    1926                 :            : {
    1927                 :          1 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1928                 :          1 :     gc_list_merge(&gcstate->permanent_generation.head,
    1929                 :            :                   GEN_HEAD(gcstate, NUM_GENERATIONS-1));
    1930                 :          1 :     Py_RETURN_NONE;
    1931                 :            : }
    1932                 :            : 
    1933                 :            : /*[clinic input]
    1934                 :            : gc.get_freeze_count -> Py_ssize_t
    1935                 :            : 
    1936                 :            : Return the number of objects in the permanent generation.
    1937                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
    1938                 :            : 
    1939                 :            : static Py_ssize_t
    1940                 :          2 : gc_get_freeze_count_impl(PyObject *module)
    1941                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=61cbd9f43aa032e1 input=45ffbc65cfe2a6ed]*/
    1942                 :            : {
    1943                 :          2 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1944                 :          2 :     return gc_list_size(&gcstate->permanent_generation.head);
    1945                 :            : }
    1946                 :            : 
    1947                 :            : 
    1948                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(gc__doc__,
    1949                 :            : "This module provides access to the garbage collector for reference cycles.\n"
    1950                 :            : "\n"
    1951                 :            : "enable() -- Enable automatic garbage collection.\n"
    1952                 :            : "disable() -- Disable automatic garbage collection.\n"
    1953                 :            : "isenabled() -- Returns true if automatic collection is enabled.\n"
    1954                 :            : "collect() -- Do a full collection right now.\n"
    1955                 :            : "get_count() -- Return the current collection counts.\n"
    1956                 :            : "get_stats() -- Return list of dictionaries containing per-generation stats.\n"
    1957                 :            : "set_debug() -- Set debugging flags.\n"
    1958                 :            : "get_debug() -- Get debugging flags.\n"
    1959                 :            : "set_threshold() -- Set the collection thresholds.\n"
    1960                 :            : "get_threshold() -- Return the current the collection thresholds.\n"
    1961                 :            : "get_objects() -- Return a list of all objects tracked by the collector.\n"
    1962                 :            : "is_tracked() -- Returns true if a given object is tracked.\n"
    1963                 :            : "is_finalized() -- Returns true if a given object has been already finalized.\n"
    1964                 :            : "get_referrers() -- Return the list of objects that refer to an object.\n"
    1965                 :            : "get_referents() -- Return the list of objects that an object refers to.\n"
    1966                 :            : "freeze() -- Freeze all tracked objects and ignore them for future collections.\n"
    1967                 :            : "unfreeze() -- Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation.\n"
    1968                 :            : "get_freeze_count() -- Return the number of objects in the permanent generation.\n");
    1969                 :            : 
    1970                 :            : static PyMethodDef GcMethods[] = {
    1971                 :            :     GC_ENABLE_METHODDEF
    1972                 :            :     GC_DISABLE_METHODDEF
    1973                 :            :     GC_ISENABLED_METHODDEF
    1974                 :            :     GC_SET_DEBUG_METHODDEF
    1975                 :            :     GC_GET_DEBUG_METHODDEF
    1976                 :            :     GC_GET_COUNT_METHODDEF
    1977                 :            :     {"set_threshold",  gc_set_threshold, METH_VARARGS, gc_set_thresh__doc__},
    1978                 :            :     GC_GET_THRESHOLD_METHODDEF
    1979                 :            :     GC_COLLECT_METHODDEF
    1980                 :            :     GC_GET_OBJECTS_METHODDEF
    1981                 :            :     GC_GET_STATS_METHODDEF
    1982                 :            :     GC_IS_TRACKED_METHODDEF
    1983                 :            :     GC_IS_FINALIZED_METHODDEF
    1984                 :            :     {"get_referrers",  gc_get_referrers, METH_VARARGS,
    1985                 :            :         gc_get_referrers__doc__},
    1986                 :            :     {"get_referents",  gc_get_referents, METH_VARARGS,
    1987                 :            :         gc_get_referents__doc__},
    1988                 :            :     GC_FREEZE_METHODDEF
    1989                 :            :     GC_UNFREEZE_METHODDEF
    1990                 :            :     GC_GET_FREEZE_COUNT_METHODDEF
    1991                 :            :     {NULL,      NULL}           /* Sentinel */
    1992                 :            : };
    1993                 :            : 
    1994                 :            : static int
    1995                 :       1000 : gcmodule_exec(PyObject *module)
    1996                 :            : {
    1997                 :       1000 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    1998                 :            : 
    1999                 :            :     /* garbage and callbacks are initialized by _PyGC_Init() early in
    2000                 :            :      * interpreter lifecycle. */
    2001                 :            :     assert(gcstate->garbage != NULL);
    2002         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(module, "garbage", gcstate->garbage) < 0) {
    2003                 :          0 :         return -1;
    2004                 :            :     }
    2005                 :            :     assert(gcstate->callbacks != NULL);
    2006         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     if (PyModule_AddObjectRef(module, "callbacks", gcstate->callbacks) < 0) {
    2007                 :          0 :         return -1;
    2008                 :            :     }
    2009                 :            : 
    2010                 :            : #define ADD_INT(NAME) if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(module, #NAME, NAME) < 0) { return -1; }
    2011         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     ADD_INT(DEBUG_STATS);
    2012         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     ADD_INT(DEBUG_COLLECTABLE);
    2013         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     ADD_INT(DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE);
    2014         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     ADD_INT(DEBUG_SAVEALL);
    2015         [ -  + ]:       1000 :     ADD_INT(DEBUG_LEAK);
    2016                 :            : #undef ADD_INT
    2017                 :       1000 :     return 0;
    2018                 :            : }
    2019                 :            : 
    2020                 :            : static PyModuleDef_Slot gcmodule_slots[] = {
    2021                 :            :     {Py_mod_exec, gcmodule_exec},
    2022                 :            :     {0, NULL}
    2023                 :            : };
    2024                 :            : 
    2025                 :            : static struct PyModuleDef gcmodule = {
    2026                 :            :     PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
    2027                 :            :     .m_name = "gc",
    2028                 :            :     .m_doc = gc__doc__,
    2029                 :            :     .m_size = 0,  // per interpreter state, see: get_gc_state()
    2030                 :            :     .m_methods = GcMethods,
    2031                 :            :     .m_slots = gcmodule_slots
    2032                 :            : };
    2033                 :            : 
    2034                 :            : PyMODINIT_FUNC
    2035                 :       1000 : PyInit_gc(void)
    2036                 :            : {
    2037                 :       1000 :     return PyModuleDef_Init(&gcmodule);
    2038                 :            : }
    2039                 :            : 
    2040                 :            : /* C API for controlling the state of the garbage collector */
    2041                 :            : int
    2042                 :        468 : PyGC_Enable(void)
    2043                 :            : {
    2044                 :        468 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    2045                 :        468 :     int old_state = gcstate->enabled;
    2046                 :        468 :     gcstate->enabled = 1;
    2047                 :        468 :     return old_state;
    2048                 :            : }
    2049                 :            : 
    2050                 :            : int
    2051                 :        469 : PyGC_Disable(void)
    2052                 :            : {
    2053                 :        469 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    2054                 :        469 :     int old_state = gcstate->enabled;
    2055                 :        469 :     gcstate->enabled = 0;
    2056                 :        469 :     return old_state;
    2057                 :            : }
    2058                 :            : 
    2059                 :            : int
    2060                 :        456 : PyGC_IsEnabled(void)
    2061                 :            : {
    2062                 :        456 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    2063                 :        456 :     return gcstate->enabled;
    2064                 :            : }
    2065                 :            : 
    2066                 :            : /* Public API to invoke gc.collect() from C */
    2067                 :            : Py_ssize_t
    2068                 :       2957 : PyGC_Collect(void)
    2069                 :            : {
    2070                 :       2957 :     PyThreadState *tstate = _PyThreadState_GET();
    2071                 :       2957 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    2072                 :            : 
    2073         [ -  + ]:       2957 :     if (!gcstate->enabled) {
    2074                 :          0 :         return 0;
    2075                 :            :     }
    2076                 :            : 
    2077                 :            :     Py_ssize_t n;
    2078         [ -  + ]:       2957 :     if (gcstate->collecting) {
    2079                 :            :         /* already collecting, don't do anything */
    2080                 :          0 :         n = 0;
    2081                 :            :     }
    2082                 :            :     else {
    2083                 :            :         PyObject *exc, *value, *tb;
    2084                 :       2957 :         gcstate->collecting = 1;
    2085                 :       2957 :         _PyErr_Fetch(tstate, &exc, &value, &tb);
    2086                 :       2957 :         n = gc_collect_with_callback(tstate, NUM_GENERATIONS - 1);
    2087                 :       2957 :         _PyErr_Restore(tstate, exc, value, tb);
    2088                 :       2957 :         gcstate->collecting = 0;
    2089                 :            :     }
    2090                 :            : 
    2091                 :       2957 :     return n;
    2092                 :            : }
    2093                 :            : 
    2094                 :            : Py_ssize_t
    2095                 :       9375 : _PyGC_CollectNoFail(PyThreadState *tstate)
    2096                 :            : {
    2097                 :            :     /* Ideally, this function is only called on interpreter shutdown,
    2098                 :            :        and therefore not recursively.  Unfortunately, when there are daemon
    2099                 :            :        threads, a daemon thread can start a cyclic garbage collection
    2100                 :            :        during interpreter shutdown (and then never finish it).
    2101                 :            :        See for an example.
    2102                 :            :        */
    2103                 :       9375 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    2104         [ -  + ]:       9375 :     if (gcstate->collecting) {
    2105                 :          0 :         return 0;
    2106                 :            :     }
    2107                 :            : 
    2108                 :            :     Py_ssize_t n;
    2109                 :       9375 :     gcstate->collecting = 1;
    2110                 :       9375 :     n = gc_collect_main(tstate, NUM_GENERATIONS - 1, NULL, NULL, 1);
    2111                 :       9375 :     gcstate->collecting = 0;
    2112                 :       9375 :     return n;
    2113                 :            : }
    2114                 :            : 
    2115                 :            : void
    2116                 :       3125 : _PyGC_DumpShutdownStats(PyInterpreterState *interp)
    2117                 :            : {
    2118                 :       3125 :     GCState *gcstate = &interp->gc;
    2119         [ +  + ]:       3125 :     if (!(gcstate->debug & DEBUG_SAVEALL)
    2120   [ +  -  +  + ]:       3124 :         && gcstate->garbage != NULL && PyList_GET_SIZE(gcstate->garbage) > 0) {
    2121                 :            :         const char *message;
    2122         [ +  + ]:          3 :         if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE)
    2123                 :          1 :             message = "gc: %zd uncollectable objects at " \
    2124                 :            :                 "shutdown";
    2125                 :            :         else
    2126                 :          2 :             message = "gc: %zd uncollectable objects at " \
    2127                 :            :                 "shutdown; use gc.set_debug(gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) to list them";
    2128                 :            :         /* PyErr_WarnFormat does too many things and we are at shutdown,
    2129                 :            :            the warnings module's dependencies (e.g. linecache) may be gone
    2130                 :            :            already. */
    2131         [ -  + ]:          3 :         if (PyErr_WarnExplicitFormat(PyExc_ResourceWarning, "gc", 0,
    2132                 :            :                                      "gc", NULL, message,
    2133                 :            :                                      PyList_GET_SIZE(gcstate->garbage)))
    2134                 :          0 :             PyErr_WriteUnraisable(NULL);
    2135         [ +  + ]:          3 :         if (gcstate->debug & DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE) {
    2136                 :          1 :             PyObject *repr = NULL, *bytes = NULL;
    2137                 :          1 :             repr = PyObject_Repr(gcstate->garbage);
    2138   [ +  -  -  + ]:          1 :             if (!repr || !(bytes = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(repr)))
    2139                 :          0 :                 PyErr_WriteUnraisable(gcstate->garbage);
    2140                 :            :             else {
    2141                 :          1 :                 PySys_WriteStderr(
    2142                 :            :                     "      %s\n",
    2143                 :            :                     PyBytes_AS_STRING(bytes)
    2144                 :            :                     );
    2145                 :            :             }
    2146                 :          1 :             Py_XDECREF(repr);
    2147                 :          1 :             Py_XDECREF(bytes);
    2148                 :            :         }
    2149                 :            :     }
    2150                 :       3125 : }
    2151                 :            : 
    2152                 :            : 
    2153                 :            : static void
    2154                 :        507 : gc_fini_untrack(PyGC_Head *list)
    2155                 :            : {
    2156                 :            :     PyGC_Head *gc;
    2157         [ -  + ]:        507 :     for (gc = GC_NEXT(list); gc != list; gc = GC_NEXT(list)) {
    2158                 :          0 :         PyObject *op = FROM_GC(gc);
    2159                 :          0 :         _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(op);
    2160                 :            :         // gh-92036: If a deallocator function expect the object to be tracked
    2161                 :            :         // by the GC (ex: func_dealloc()), it can crash if called on an object
    2162                 :            :         // which is no longer tracked by the GC. Leak one strong reference on
    2163                 :            :         // purpose so the object is never deleted and its deallocator is not
    2164                 :            :         // called.
    2165                 :          0 :         Py_INCREF(op);
    2166                 :            :     }
    2167                 :        507 : }
    2168                 :            : 
    2169                 :            : 
    2170                 :            : void
    2171                 :       3125 : _PyGC_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp)
    2172                 :            : {
    2173                 :       3125 :     GCState *gcstate = &interp->gc;
    2174         [ +  - ]:       3125 :     Py_CLEAR(gcstate->garbage);
    2175         [ +  - ]:       3125 :     Py_CLEAR(gcstate->callbacks);
    2176                 :            : 
    2177         [ +  + ]:       3125 :     if (!_Py_IsMainInterpreter(interp)) {
    2178                 :            :         // bpo-46070: Explicitly untrack all objects currently tracked by the
    2179                 :            :         // GC. Otherwise, if an object is used later by another interpreter,
    2180                 :            :         // calling PyObject_GC_UnTrack() on the object crashs if the previous
    2181                 :            :         // or the next object of the PyGC_Head structure became a dangling
    2182                 :            :         // pointer.
    2183         [ +  + ]:        676 :         for (int i = 0; i < NUM_GENERATIONS; i++) {
    2184                 :        507 :             PyGC_Head *gen = GEN_HEAD(gcstate, i);
    2185                 :        507 :             gc_fini_untrack(gen);
    2186                 :            :         }
    2187                 :            :     }
    2188                 :       3125 : }
    2189                 :            : 
    2190                 :            : /* for debugging */
    2191                 :            : void
    2192                 :          0 : _PyGC_Dump(PyGC_Head *g)
    2193                 :            : {
    2194                 :          0 :     _PyObject_Dump(FROM_GC(g));
    2195                 :          0 : }
    2196                 :            : 
    2197                 :            : 
    2198                 :            : #ifdef Py_DEBUG
    2199                 :            : static int
    2200                 :            : visit_validate(PyObject *op, void *parent_raw)
    2201                 :            : {
    2202                 :            :     PyObject *parent = _PyObject_CAST(parent_raw);
    2203                 :            :     if (_PyObject_IsFreed(op)) {
    2204                 :            :         _PyObject_ASSERT_FAILED_MSG(parent,
    2205                 :            :                                     "PyObject_GC_Track() object is not valid");
    2206                 :            :     }
    2207                 :            :     return 0;
    2208                 :            : }
    2209                 :            : #endif
    2210                 :            : 
    2211                 :            : 
    2212                 :            : /* extension modules might be compiled with GC support so these
    2213                 :            :    functions must always be available */
    2214                 :            : 
    2215                 :            : void
    2216                 :   20085957 : PyObject_GC_Track(void *op_raw)
    2217                 :            : {
    2218                 :   20085957 :     PyObject *op = _PyObject_CAST(op_raw);
    2219         [ -  + ]:   20085957 :     if (_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(op)) {
    2220                 :          0 :         _PyObject_ASSERT_FAILED_MSG(op,
    2221                 :            :                                     "object already tracked "
    2222                 :            :                                     "by the garbage collector");
    2223                 :            :     }
    2224                 :   20085957 :     _PyObject_GC_TRACK(op);
    2225                 :            : 
    2226                 :            : #ifdef Py_DEBUG
    2227                 :            :     /* Check that the object is valid: validate objects traversed
    2228                 :            :        by tp_traverse() */
    2229                 :            :     traverseproc traverse = Py_TYPE(op)->tp_traverse;
    2230                 :            :     (void)traverse(op, visit_validate, op);
    2231                 :            : #endif
    2232                 :   20085957 : }
    2233                 :            : 
    2234                 :            : void
    2235                 :  485903761 : PyObject_GC_UnTrack(void *op_raw)
    2236                 :            : {
    2237                 :  485903761 :     PyObject *op = _PyObject_CAST(op_raw);
    2238                 :            :     /* Obscure:  the Py_TRASHCAN mechanism requires that we be able to
    2239                 :            :      * call PyObject_GC_UnTrack twice on an object.
    2240                 :            :      */
    2241         [ +  + ]:  485903761 :     if (_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(op)) {
    2242                 :  416603546 :         _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(op);
    2243                 :            :     }
    2244                 :  485903761 : }
    2245                 :            : 
    2246                 :            : int
    2247                 :  461127744 : PyObject_IS_GC(PyObject *obj)
    2248                 :            : {
    2249                 :  461127744 :     return _PyObject_IS_GC(obj);
    2250                 :            : }
    2251                 :            : 
    2252                 :            : void
    2253                 :  317327874 : _PyObject_GC_Link(PyObject *op)
    2254                 :            : {
    2255                 :  317327874 :     PyGC_Head *g = AS_GC(op);
    2256                 :            :     assert(((uintptr_t)g & (sizeof(uintptr_t)-1)) == 0);  // g must be correctly aligned
    2257                 :            : 
    2258                 :  317327874 :     PyThreadState *tstate = _PyThreadState_GET();
    2259                 :  317327874 :     GCState *gcstate = &tstate->interp->gc;
    2260                 :  317327874 :     g->_gc_next = 0;
    2261                 :  317327874 :     g->_gc_prev = 0;
    2262                 :  317327874 :     gcstate->generations[0].count++; /* number of allocated GC objects */
    2263         [ +  + ]:  317327874 :     if (gcstate->generations[0].count > gcstate->generations[0].threshold &&
    2264         [ +  + ]:     288623 :         gcstate->enabled &&
    2265         [ +  - ]:     220217 :         gcstate->generations[0].threshold &&
    2266   [ +  +  +  - ]:     428745 :         !gcstate->collecting &&
    2267                 :     208528 :         !_PyErr_Occurred(tstate))
    2268                 :            :     {
    2269                 :     208528 :         gcstate->collecting = 1;
    2270                 :     208528 :         gc_collect_generations(tstate);
    2271                 :     208528 :         gcstate->collecting = 0;
    2272                 :            :     }
    2273                 :  317327874 : }
    2274                 :            : 
    2275                 :            : static PyObject *
    2276                 :  244523232 : gc_alloc(size_t basicsize, size_t presize)
    2277                 :            : {
    2278                 :  244523232 :     PyThreadState *tstate = _PyThreadState_GET();
    2279         [ -  + ]:  244523232 :     if (basicsize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - presize) {
    2280                 :            :         return _PyErr_NoMemory(tstate);
    2281                 :            :     }
    2282                 :  244523232 :     size_t size = presize + basicsize;
    2283                 :  244523232 :     char *mem = PyObject_Malloc(size);
    2284         [ +  + ]:  244523232 :     if (mem == NULL) {
    2285                 :            :         return _PyErr_NoMemory(tstate);
    2286                 :            :     }
    2287                 :  244523100 :     ((PyObject **)mem)[0] = NULL;
    2288                 :  244523100 :     ((PyObject **)mem)[1] = NULL;
    2289                 :  244523100 :     PyObject *op = (PyObject *)(mem + presize);
    2290                 :  244523100 :     _PyObject_GC_Link(op);
    2291                 :  244523100 :     return op;
    2292                 :            : }
    2293                 :            : 
    2294                 :            : PyObject *
    2295                 :  174974473 : _PyObject_GC_New(PyTypeObject *tp)
    2296                 :            : {
    2297                 :  174974473 :     size_t presize = _PyType_PreHeaderSize(tp);
    2298                 :  174974473 :     PyObject *op = gc_alloc(_PyObject_SIZE(tp), presize);
    2299         [ +  + ]:  174974473 :     if (op == NULL) {
    2300                 :         35 :         return NULL;
    2301                 :            :     }
    2302                 :  174974438 :     _PyObject_Init(op, tp);
    2303                 :  174974438 :     return op;
    2304                 :            : }
    2305                 :            : 
    2306                 :            : PyVarObject *
    2307                 :   69548759 : _PyObject_GC_NewVar(PyTypeObject *tp, Py_ssize_t nitems)
    2308                 :            : {
    2309                 :            :     size_t size;
    2310                 :            :     PyVarObject *op;
    2311                 :            : 
    2312         [ -  + ]:   69548759 :     if (nitems < 0) {
    2313                 :          0 :         PyErr_BadInternalCall();
    2314                 :          0 :         return NULL;
    2315                 :            :     }
    2316                 :   69548759 :     size_t presize = _PyType_PreHeaderSize(tp);
    2317                 :   69548759 :     size = _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(tp, nitems);
    2318                 :   69548759 :     op = (PyVarObject *)gc_alloc(size, presize);
    2319         [ +  + ]:   69548759 :     if (op == NULL) {
    2320                 :         97 :         return NULL;
    2321                 :            :     }
    2322                 :   69548662 :     _PyObject_InitVar(op, tp, nitems);
    2323                 :   69548662 :     return op;
    2324                 :            : }
    2325                 :            : 
    2326                 :            : PyVarObject *
    2327                 :     158820 : _PyObject_GC_Resize(PyVarObject *op, Py_ssize_t nitems)
    2328                 :            : {
    2329                 :     158820 :     const size_t basicsize = _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(Py_TYPE(op), nitems);
    2330                 :            :     _PyObject_ASSERT((PyObject *)op, !_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(op));
    2331         [ -  + ]:     158820 :     if (basicsize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - sizeof(PyGC_Head)) {
    2332                 :            :         return (PyVarObject *)PyErr_NoMemory();
    2333                 :            :     }
    2334                 :            : 
    2335                 :     158820 :     PyGC_Head *g = AS_GC(op);
    2336                 :     158820 :     g = (PyGC_Head *)PyObject_Realloc(g,  sizeof(PyGC_Head) + basicsize);
    2337         [ -  + ]:     158820 :     if (g == NULL)
    2338                 :            :         return (PyVarObject *)PyErr_NoMemory();
    2339                 :     158820 :     op = (PyVarObject *) FROM_GC(g);
    2340                 :     158820 :     Py_SET_SIZE(op, nitems);
    2341                 :     158820 :     return op;
    2342                 :            : }
    2343                 :            : 
    2344                 :            : void
    2345                 :  315620880 : PyObject_GC_Del(void *op)
    2346                 :            : {
    2347                 :  315620880 :     size_t presize = _PyType_PreHeaderSize(((PyObject *)op)->ob_type);
    2348                 :  315620880 :     PyGC_Head *g = AS_GC(op);
    2349         [ +  + ]:  315620880 :     if (_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(op)) {
    2350                 :     882552 :         gc_list_remove(g);
    2351                 :            :     }
    2352                 :  315620880 :     GCState *gcstate = get_gc_state();
    2353         [ +  + ]:  315620880 :     if (gcstate->generations[0].count > 0) {
    2354                 :  218496003 :         gcstate->generations[0].count--;
    2355                 :            :     }
    2356                 :  315620880 :     PyObject_Free(((char *)op)-presize);
    2357                 :  315620880 : }
    2358                 :            : 
    2359                 :            : int
    2360                 :          2 : PyObject_GC_IsTracked(PyObject* obj)
    2361                 :            : {
    2362   [ +  -  +  - ]:          2 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(obj) && _PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(obj)) {
    2363                 :          2 :         return 1;
    2364                 :            :     }
    2365                 :          0 :     return 0;
    2366                 :            : }
    2367                 :            : 
    2368                 :            : int
    2369                 :          0 : PyObject_GC_IsFinalized(PyObject *obj)
    2370                 :            : {
    2371   [ #  #  #  # ]:          0 :     if (_PyObject_IS_GC(obj) && _PyGCHead_FINALIZED(AS_GC(obj))) {
    2372                 :          0 :          return 1;
    2373                 :            :     }
    2374                 :          0 :     return 0;
    2375                 :            : }

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