LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - Modules/_io/clinic - fileio.c.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: CPython 3.12 LCOV report [commit acb105a7c1f] Lines: 107 120 89.2 %
Date: 2022-07-20 13:12:14 Functions: 14 14 100.0 %
Branches: 48 74 64.9 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : /*[clinic input]
       2                 :            : preserve
       3                 :            : [clinic start generated code]*/
       4                 :            : 
       5                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_close__doc__,
       6                 :            : "close($self, /)\n"
       7                 :            : "--\n"
       8                 :            : "\n"
       9                 :            : "Close the file.\n"
      10                 :            : "\n"
      11                 :            : "A closed file cannot be used for further I/O operations.  close() may be\n"
      12                 :            : "called more than once without error.");
      13                 :            : 
      14                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_CLOSE_METHODDEF    \
      15                 :            :     {"close", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_close, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_close__doc__},
      16                 :            : 
      17                 :            : static PyObject *
      18                 :            : _io_FileIO_close_impl(fileio *self);
      19                 :            : 
      20                 :            : static PyObject *
      21                 :     305855 : _io_FileIO_close(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
      22                 :            : {
      23                 :     305855 :     return _io_FileIO_close_impl(self);
      24                 :            : }
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO___init____doc__,
      27                 :            : "FileIO(file, mode=\'r\', closefd=True, opener=None)\n"
      28                 :            : "--\n"
      29                 :            : "\n"
      30                 :            : "Open a file.\n"
      31                 :            : "\n"
      32                 :            : "The mode can be \'r\' (default), \'w\', \'x\' or \'a\' for reading,\n"
      33                 :            : "writing, exclusive creation or appending.  The file will be created if it\n"
      34                 :            : "doesn\'t exist when opened for writing or appending; it will be truncated\n"
      35                 :            : "when opened for writing.  A FileExistsError will be raised if it already\n"
      36                 :            : "exists when opened for creating. Opening a file for creating implies\n"
      37                 :            : "writing so this mode behaves in a similar way to \'w\'.Add a \'+\' to the mode\n"
      38                 :            : "to allow simultaneous reading and writing. A custom opener can be used by\n"
      39                 :            : "passing a callable as *opener*. The underlying file descriptor for the file\n"
      40                 :            : "object is then obtained by calling opener with (*name*, *flags*).\n"
      41                 :            : "*opener* must return an open file descriptor (passing as *opener*\n"
      42                 :            : "results in functionality similar to passing None).");
      43                 :            : 
      44                 :            : static int
      45                 :            : _io_FileIO___init___impl(fileio *self, PyObject *nameobj, const char *mode,
      46                 :            :                          int closefd, PyObject *opener);
      47                 :            : 
      48                 :            : static int
      49                 :     314651 : _io_FileIO___init__(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
      50                 :            : {
      51                 :     314651 :     int return_value = -1;
      52                 :            :     static const char * const _keywords[] = {"file", "mode", "closefd", "opener", NULL};
      53                 :            :     static _PyArg_Parser _parser = {NULL, _keywords, "FileIO", 0};
      54                 :            :     PyObject *argsbuf[4];
      55                 :            :     PyObject * const *fastargs;
      56                 :     314651 :     Py_ssize_t nargs = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
      57         [ +  + ]:     314651 :     Py_ssize_t noptargs = nargs + (kwargs ? PyDict_GET_SIZE(kwargs) : 0) - 1;
      58                 :            :     PyObject *nameobj;
      59                 :     314651 :     const char *mode = "r";
      60                 :     314651 :     int closefd = 1;
      61                 :     314651 :     PyObject *opener = Py_None;
      62                 :            : 
      63   [ +  +  +  -  :     314651 :     fastargs = _PyArg_UnpackKeywords(_PyTuple_CAST(args)->ob_item, nargs, kwargs, NULL, &_parser, 1, 4, 0, argsbuf);
             +  -  +  - ]
      64         [ -  + ]:     314651 :     if (!fastargs) {
      65                 :          0 :         goto exit;
      66                 :            :     }
      67                 :     314651 :     nameobj = fastargs[0];
      68         [ +  + ]:     314651 :     if (!noptargs) {
      69                 :          8 :         goto skip_optional_pos;
      70                 :            :     }
      71         [ +  + ]:     314643 :     if (fastargs[1]) {
      72         [ +  + ]:     314641 :         if (!PyUnicode_Check(fastargs[1])) {
      73                 :          1 :             _PyArg_BadArgument("FileIO", "argument 'mode'", "str", fastargs[1]);
      74                 :          1 :             goto exit;
      75                 :            :         }
      76                 :            :         Py_ssize_t mode_length;
      77                 :     314640 :         mode = PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(fastargs[1], &mode_length);
      78         [ -  + ]:     314640 :         if (mode == NULL) {
      79                 :          0 :             goto exit;
      80                 :            :         }
      81         [ -  + ]:     314640 :         if (strlen(mode) != (size_t)mode_length) {
      82                 :          0 :             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "embedded null character");
      83                 :          0 :             goto exit;
      84                 :            :         }
      85         [ +  + ]:     314640 :         if (!--noptargs) {
      86                 :       7723 :             goto skip_optional_pos;
      87                 :            :         }
      88                 :            :     }
      89         [ +  - ]:     306919 :     if (fastargs[2]) {
      90                 :     306919 :         closefd = _PyLong_AsInt(fastargs[2]);
      91   [ -  +  -  - ]:     306919 :         if (closefd == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
      92                 :          0 :             goto exit;
      93                 :            :         }
      94         [ +  + ]:     306919 :         if (!--noptargs) {
      95                 :          3 :             goto skip_optional_pos;
      96                 :            :         }
      97                 :            :     }
      98                 :     306916 :     opener = fastargs[3];
      99                 :     314650 : skip_optional_pos:
     100                 :     314650 :     return_value = _io_FileIO___init___impl((fileio *)self, nameobj, mode, closefd, opener);
     101                 :            : 
     102                 :     314650 : exit:
     103                 :     314650 :     return return_value;
     104                 :            : }
     105                 :            : 
     106                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_fileno__doc__,
     107                 :            : "fileno($self, /)\n"
     108                 :            : "--\n"
     109                 :            : "\n"
     110                 :            : "Return the underlying file descriptor (an integer).");
     111                 :            : 
     112                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_FILENO_METHODDEF    \
     113                 :            :     {"fileno", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_fileno, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_fileno__doc__},
     114                 :            : 
     115                 :            : static PyObject *
     116                 :            : _io_FileIO_fileno_impl(fileio *self);
     117                 :            : 
     118                 :            : static PyObject *
     119                 :      63705 : _io_FileIO_fileno(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     120                 :            : {
     121                 :      63705 :     return _io_FileIO_fileno_impl(self);
     122                 :            : }
     123                 :            : 
     124                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_readable__doc__,
     125                 :            : "readable($self, /)\n"
     126                 :            : "--\n"
     127                 :            : "\n"
     128                 :            : "True if file was opened in a read mode.");
     129                 :            : 
     130                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_READABLE_METHODDEF    \
     131                 :            :     {"readable", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_readable, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_readable__doc__},
     132                 :            : 
     133                 :            : static PyObject *
     134                 :            : _io_FileIO_readable_impl(fileio *self);
     135                 :            : 
     136                 :            : static PyObject *
     137                 :     268501 : _io_FileIO_readable(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     138                 :            : {
     139                 :     268501 :     return _io_FileIO_readable_impl(self);
     140                 :            : }
     141                 :            : 
     142                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_writable__doc__,
     143                 :            : "writable($self, /)\n"
     144                 :            : "--\n"
     145                 :            : "\n"
     146                 :            : "True if file was opened in a write mode.");
     147                 :            : 
     148                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_WRITABLE_METHODDEF    \
     149                 :            :     {"writable", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_writable, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_writable__doc__},
     150                 :            : 
     151                 :            : static PyObject *
     152                 :            : _io_FileIO_writable_impl(fileio *self);
     153                 :            : 
     154                 :            : static PyObject *
     155                 :      61927 : _io_FileIO_writable(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     156                 :            : {
     157                 :      61927 :     return _io_FileIO_writable_impl(self);
     158                 :            : }
     159                 :            : 
     160                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_seekable__doc__,
     161                 :            : "seekable($self, /)\n"
     162                 :            : "--\n"
     163                 :            : "\n"
     164                 :            : "True if file supports random-access.");
     165                 :            : 
     166                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_SEEKABLE_METHODDEF    \
     167                 :            :     {"seekable", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_seekable, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_seekable__doc__},
     168                 :            : 
     169                 :            : static PyObject *
     170                 :            : _io_FileIO_seekable_impl(fileio *self);
     171                 :            : 
     172                 :            : static PyObject *
     173                 :      83936 : _io_FileIO_seekable(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     174                 :            : {
     175                 :      83936 :     return _io_FileIO_seekable_impl(self);
     176                 :            : }
     177                 :            : 
     178                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_readinto__doc__,
     179                 :            : "readinto($self, buffer, /)\n"
     180                 :            : "--\n"
     181                 :            : "\n"
     182                 :            : "Same as RawIOBase.readinto().");
     183                 :            : 
     184                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_READINTO_METHODDEF    \
     185                 :            :     {"readinto", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_readinto, METH_O, _io_FileIO_readinto__doc__},
     186                 :            : 
     187                 :            : static PyObject *
     188                 :            : _io_FileIO_readinto_impl(fileio *self, Py_buffer *buffer);
     189                 :            : 
     190                 :            : static PyObject *
     191                 :     171618 : _io_FileIO_readinto(fileio *self, PyObject *arg)
     192                 :            : {
     193                 :     171618 :     PyObject *return_value = NULL;
     194                 :     171618 :     Py_buffer buffer = {NULL, NULL};
     195                 :            : 
     196         [ +  + ]:     171618 :     if (PyObject_GetBuffer(arg, &buffer, PyBUF_WRITABLE) < 0) {
     197                 :          2 :         PyErr_Clear();
     198                 :          2 :         _PyArg_BadArgument("readinto", "argument", "read-write bytes-like object", arg);
     199                 :          2 :         goto exit;
     200                 :            :     }
     201         [ -  + ]:     171616 :     if (!PyBuffer_IsContiguous(&buffer, 'C')) {
     202                 :          0 :         _PyArg_BadArgument("readinto", "argument", "contiguous buffer", arg);
     203                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     204                 :            :     }
     205                 :     171616 :     return_value = _io_FileIO_readinto_impl(self, &buffer);
     206                 :            : 
     207                 :     171613 : exit:
     208                 :            :     /* Cleanup for buffer */
     209         [ +  + ]:     171613 :     if (buffer.obj) {
     210                 :     171611 :        PyBuffer_Release(&buffer);
     211                 :            :     }
     212                 :            : 
     213                 :     171613 :     return return_value;
     214                 :            : }
     215                 :            : 
     216                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_readall__doc__,
     217                 :            : "readall($self, /)\n"
     218                 :            : "--\n"
     219                 :            : "\n"
     220                 :            : "Read all data from the file, returned as bytes.\n"
     221                 :            : "\n"
     222                 :            : "In non-blocking mode, returns as much as is immediately available,\n"
     223                 :            : "or None if no data is available.  Return an empty bytes object at EOF.");
     224                 :            : 
     225                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_READALL_METHODDEF    \
     226                 :            :     {"readall", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_readall, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_readall__doc__},
     227                 :            : 
     228                 :            : static PyObject *
     229                 :            : _io_FileIO_readall_impl(fileio *self);
     230                 :            : 
     231                 :            : static PyObject *
     232                 :     180621 : _io_FileIO_readall(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     233                 :            : {
     234                 :     180621 :     return _io_FileIO_readall_impl(self);
     235                 :            : }
     236                 :            : 
     237                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_read__doc__,
     238                 :            : "read($self, size=-1, /)\n"
     239                 :            : "--\n"
     240                 :            : "\n"
     241                 :            : "Read at most size bytes, returned as bytes.\n"
     242                 :            : "\n"
     243                 :            : "Only makes one system call, so less data may be returned than requested.\n"
     244                 :            : "In non-blocking mode, returns None if no data is available.\n"
     245                 :            : "Return an empty bytes object at EOF.");
     246                 :            : 
     247                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_READ_METHODDEF    \
     248                 :            :     {"read", _PyCFunction_CAST(_io_FileIO_read), METH_FASTCALL, _io_FileIO_read__doc__},
     249                 :            : 
     250                 :            : static PyObject *
     251                 :            : _io_FileIO_read_impl(fileio *self, Py_ssize_t size);
     252                 :            : 
     253                 :            : static PyObject *
     254                 :        605 : _io_FileIO_read(fileio *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
     255                 :            : {
     256                 :        605 :     PyObject *return_value = NULL;
     257                 :        605 :     Py_ssize_t size = -1;
     258                 :            : 
     259   [ +  -  -  +  :        605 :     if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("read", nargs, 0, 1)) {
                   -  - ]
     260                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     261                 :            :     }
     262         [ +  + ]:        605 :     if (nargs < 1) {
     263                 :        158 :         goto skip_optional;
     264                 :            :     }
     265         [ -  + ]:        447 :     if (!_Py_convert_optional_to_ssize_t(args[0], &size)) {
     266                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     267                 :            :     }
     268                 :        447 : skip_optional:
     269                 :        605 :     return_value = _io_FileIO_read_impl(self, size);
     270                 :            : 
     271                 :        605 : exit:
     272                 :        605 :     return return_value;
     273                 :            : }
     274                 :            : 
     275                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_write__doc__,
     276                 :            : "write($self, b, /)\n"
     277                 :            : "--\n"
     278                 :            : "\n"
     279                 :            : "Write buffer b to file, return number of bytes written.\n"
     280                 :            : "\n"
     281                 :            : "Only makes one system call, so not all of the data may be written.\n"
     282                 :            : "The number of bytes actually written is returned.  In non-blocking mode,\n"
     283                 :            : "returns None if the write would block.");
     284                 :            : 
     285                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_WRITE_METHODDEF    \
     286                 :            :     {"write", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_write, METH_O, _io_FileIO_write__doc__},
     287                 :            : 
     288                 :            : static PyObject *
     289                 :            : _io_FileIO_write_impl(fileio *self, Py_buffer *b);
     290                 :            : 
     291                 :            : static PyObject *
     292                 :     292279 : _io_FileIO_write(fileio *self, PyObject *arg)
     293                 :            : {
     294                 :     292279 :     PyObject *return_value = NULL;
     295                 :     292279 :     Py_buffer b = {NULL, NULL};
     296                 :            : 
     297         [ +  + ]:     292279 :     if (PyObject_GetBuffer(arg, &b, PyBUF_SIMPLE) != 0) {
     298                 :          3 :         goto exit;
     299                 :            :     }
     300         [ -  + ]:     292276 :     if (!PyBuffer_IsContiguous(&b, 'C')) {
     301                 :          0 :         _PyArg_BadArgument("write", "argument", "contiguous buffer", arg);
     302                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     303                 :            :     }
     304                 :     292276 :     return_value = _io_FileIO_write_impl(self, &b);
     305                 :            : 
     306                 :     292279 : exit:
     307                 :            :     /* Cleanup for b */
     308         [ +  + ]:     292279 :     if (b.obj) {
     309                 :     292276 :        PyBuffer_Release(&b);
     310                 :            :     }
     311                 :            : 
     312                 :     292279 :     return return_value;
     313                 :            : }
     314                 :            : 
     315                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_seek__doc__,
     316                 :            : "seek($self, pos, whence=0, /)\n"
     317                 :            : "--\n"
     318                 :            : "\n"
     319                 :            : "Move to new file position and return the file position.\n"
     320                 :            : "\n"
     321                 :            : "Argument offset is a byte count.  Optional argument whence defaults to\n"
     322                 :            : "SEEK_SET or 0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values\n"
     323                 :            : "are SEEK_CUR or 1 (move relative to current position, positive or negative),\n"
     324                 :            : "and SEEK_END or 2 (move relative to end of file, usually negative, although\n"
     325                 :            : "many platforms allow seeking beyond the end of a file).\n"
     326                 :            : "\n"
     327                 :            : "Note that not all file objects are seekable.");
     328                 :            : 
     329                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_SEEK_METHODDEF    \
     330                 :            :     {"seek", _PyCFunction_CAST(_io_FileIO_seek), METH_FASTCALL, _io_FileIO_seek__doc__},
     331                 :            : 
     332                 :            : static PyObject *
     333                 :            : _io_FileIO_seek_impl(fileio *self, PyObject *pos, int whence);
     334                 :            : 
     335                 :            : static PyObject *
     336                 :      52609 : _io_FileIO_seek(fileio *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
     337                 :            : {
     338                 :      52609 :     PyObject *return_value = NULL;
     339                 :            :     PyObject *pos;
     340                 :      52609 :     int whence = 0;
     341                 :            : 
     342   [ +  +  -  +  :      52609 :     if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("seek", nargs, 1, 2)) {
                   +  - ]
     343                 :          1 :         goto exit;
     344                 :            :     }
     345                 :      52608 :     pos = args[0];
     346         [ +  + ]:      52608 :     if (nargs < 2) {
     347                 :         44 :         goto skip_optional;
     348                 :            :     }
     349                 :      52564 :     whence = _PyLong_AsInt(args[1]);
     350   [ -  +  -  - ]:      52564 :     if (whence == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
     351                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     352                 :            :     }
     353                 :      52564 : skip_optional:
     354                 :      52608 :     return_value = _io_FileIO_seek_impl(self, pos, whence);
     355                 :            : 
     356                 :      52609 : exit:
     357                 :      52609 :     return return_value;
     358                 :            : }
     359                 :            : 
     360                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_tell__doc__,
     361                 :            : "tell($self, /)\n"
     362                 :            : "--\n"
     363                 :            : "\n"
     364                 :            : "Current file position.\n"
     365                 :            : "\n"
     366                 :            : "Can raise OSError for non seekable files.");
     367                 :            : 
     368                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_TELL_METHODDEF    \
     369                 :            :     {"tell", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_tell, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_tell__doc__},
     370                 :            : 
     371                 :            : static PyObject *
     372                 :            : _io_FileIO_tell_impl(fileio *self);
     373                 :            : 
     374                 :            : static PyObject *
     375                 :     349412 : _io_FileIO_tell(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     376                 :            : {
     377                 :     349412 :     return _io_FileIO_tell_impl(self);
     378                 :            : }
     379                 :            : 
     380                 :            : #if defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
     381                 :            : 
     382                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_truncate__doc__,
     383                 :            : "truncate($self, size=None, /)\n"
     384                 :            : "--\n"
     385                 :            : "\n"
     386                 :            : "Truncate the file to at most size bytes and return the truncated size.\n"
     387                 :            : "\n"
     388                 :            : "Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell().\n"
     389                 :            : "The current file position is changed to the value of size.");
     390                 :            : 
     391                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_TRUNCATE_METHODDEF    \
     392                 :            :     {"truncate", _PyCFunction_CAST(_io_FileIO_truncate), METH_FASTCALL, _io_FileIO_truncate__doc__},
     393                 :            : 
     394                 :            : static PyObject *
     395                 :            : _io_FileIO_truncate_impl(fileio *self, PyObject *posobj);
     396                 :            : 
     397                 :            : static PyObject *
     398                 :        114 : _io_FileIO_truncate(fileio *self, PyObject *const *args, Py_ssize_t nargs)
     399                 :            : {
     400                 :        114 :     PyObject *return_value = NULL;
     401                 :        114 :     PyObject *posobj = Py_None;
     402                 :            : 
     403   [ +  -  -  +  :        114 :     if (!_PyArg_CheckPositional("truncate", nargs, 0, 1)) {
                   -  - ]
     404                 :          0 :         goto exit;
     405                 :            :     }
     406         [ +  + ]:        114 :     if (nargs < 1) {
     407                 :          8 :         goto skip_optional;
     408                 :            :     }
     409                 :        106 :     posobj = args[0];
     410                 :        114 : skip_optional:
     411                 :        114 :     return_value = _io_FileIO_truncate_impl(self, posobj);
     412                 :            : 
     413                 :        114 : exit:
     414                 :        114 :     return return_value;
     415                 :            : }
     416                 :            : 
     417                 :            : #endif /* defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE) */
     418                 :            : 
     419                 :            : PyDoc_STRVAR(_io_FileIO_isatty__doc__,
     420                 :            : "isatty($self, /)\n"
     421                 :            : "--\n"
     422                 :            : "\n"
     423                 :            : "True if the file is connected to a TTY device.");
     424                 :            : 
     425                 :            : #define _IO_FILEIO_ISATTY_METHODDEF    \
     426                 :            :     {"isatty", (PyCFunction)_io_FileIO_isatty, METH_NOARGS, _io_FileIO_isatty__doc__},
     427                 :            : 
     428                 :            : static PyObject *
     429                 :            : _io_FileIO_isatty_impl(fileio *self);
     430                 :            : 
     431                 :            : static PyObject *
     432                 :     305860 : _io_FileIO_isatty(fileio *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
     433                 :            : {
     434                 :     305860 :     return _io_FileIO_isatty_impl(self);
     435                 :            : }
     436                 :            : 
     437                 :            : #ifndef _IO_FILEIO_TRUNCATE_METHODDEF
     438                 :            :     #define _IO_FILEIO_TRUNCATE_METHODDEF
     439                 :            : #endif /* !defined(_IO_FILEIO_TRUNCATE_METHODDEF) */
     440                 :            : /*[clinic end generated code: output=fdcf0f9277d44415 input=a9049054013a1b77]*/

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14